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Curated by Pierre Tran
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Makers Are Radically Changing the World...Already

Makers Are Radically Changing the World...Already | DIY | Maker |
By Singularity University adjunct faculty Mark Hatch, who is CEO and Co-Founder of TechShop and author of the Maker Movement Manifesto: Rules for Innovation in the New World of Crafters, Hackers, and Tinkerers from McGraw-Hill.
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An Opensource Arduino Guitar Pedal

An Opensource Arduino Guitar Pedal | DIY | Maker |
If you're a guitarist, or know a guitarist, you probably know just how many guitar effects there are out there -- but what if you could design your own effects? [J Rodriguez] has just released his ...
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Rescooped by Pierre Tran from Emergences!

Des meubles open-source pour concurrencer Ikea

Des meubles open-source pour concurrencer Ikea | DIY | Maker |

Et si vous pouviez désormais choisir votre essence de bois et faire travailler les artisans locaux, pour obtenir vos meubles en kit favoris à un prix abordable ? Le site OpenDesk propose le partage de designs de meubles, avec des fichiers open-source destinés aux outils de découpe numériques.

Via Marc Tirel
Marc Tirel's curator insight, August 20, 2013 12:06 PM

Pas encore de "makers" en France ! qui se lance ?

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A quoi peut bien servir une imprimante 3D?

A quoi peut bien servir une imprimante 3D? | DIY | Maker |
De toutes les percées technologiques de cette décennie, l'imprimante 3D me semble l'une des plus intéressantes.
Pierre Tran's insight:

Très bonne question !

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Hacking and Philosophy: The Mentor's Manifesto

Hacking and Philosophy: The Mentor's Manifesto | DIY | Maker |

Last week, I asked you to read an early document in hacking history: The Mentor’s “A Hacker Manifesto,” also called “The Conscience of a Hacker.” What follows is my analysis of the essay. I invite you to join me in a discussion in the comments: post your responses to the piece, your questions, your objections, anything! Now, lets take a trip back to the 80′s…

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Motorola Project Ara: the future of Smartphones is Open Source Hardware

Motorola Project Ara: the future of Smartphones is Open Source Hardware | DIY | Maker |
The recently announced Project Ara from Motorola is a groundbreaking  news for all the open source community.
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3D-Printing 'Encryption' App Hides Contraband Objects In Plain Sight

3D-Printing 'Encryption' App Hides Contraband Objects In Plain Sight | DIY | Maker |
VideoA 3D-printable gun file before distortion (left) and a file distorted by Disarming Corruptor.
Pierre Tran's insight:

Le programme Disarming Corruptor encrypte les fichiers 3D en distordant les modèles. Pourrait être utilisé pour protéger l'impression 3D des armes ou des formes sous licence. Une sorte de DRM des objets des 3D.

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GetMakers : L'impression 3D collaborative arrive en France !

GetMakers : L'impression 3D collaborative arrive en France ! | DIY | Maker |
Si l’impression 3D se rend de plus en plus accessible aux particuliers, franchir le pas n’est pas toujours facile. Produits encore peu disponibles, assez chers, manque de connaissances dans la modélisation...
Pierre Tran's insight:

Une plateforme qui met en relation les demandeurs de réamlisations 3D et les possesseurs d'imprimantes 3D.

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3D Printering: Alternative Filaments

3D Printering: Alternative Filaments | DIY | Maker |
ABS and PLA are the backbones of the 3D printing world. They're both easy to obtain and are good enough for most applications. They are not, however, the be-all, end-all filaments for all your 3D printing needs.
Pierre Tran's insight:

Panorama des alternatives au plastique pour l'impression 3D.

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New Software Will Prevent You From Accidentally Printing a Gun

New Software Will Prevent You From Accidentally Printing a Gun | DIY | Maker |

For those who have yearned to dabble in the hot new trend of 3D printing, but worried they might accidentally throw in a trigger and some bullets and wind up making a firearm can now rest easy. The Danish 3D-printing firm Create It REAL has got you covered.

The company, which sells 3D printer component parts and software, recently announced that it has come up with a firearm component detection algorithm that will give 3D printers the option to block any gun parts. The software compares each component a user is trying to print with a database of potential firearms parts, and shuts down the modeling software if it senses the user is trying to make a gun.

Pierre Tran's insight:

Comme les photocopieurs qui interdisent la reproduction de billets de banque, cette imprimante 3D interdit la reproduction "accidentelle" d'armes à feu.

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10 Arduino Projects That Blow Our Mind

10 Arduino Projects That Blow Our Mind | DIY | Maker |

What can you make using an Arduino? Check out these 10 unbelievably awesome Arduino projects that blow our mind...

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9 ways that 3D printing is going to change business

9 ways that 3D printing is going to change business | DIY | Maker |
I think we can all agree that the evolution of 3D printing technology thus far has been stunning. But I wanted to know what specific ways entrepreneurs are actually looking to use the ...
Pierre Tran's insight:

9 entrepreneurs expliquent ce que l'impression 3D va changer dans le business

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Three things you need to understand about 3D printing to talk about it intelligently

Three things you need to understand about 3D printing to talk about it intelligently | DIY | Maker |
Several of the biggest brains in 3D printing joined Quartz for a discussion about the future of the technology at General Assembly in New York City on July 16. Here are the three most interesting things we learned.
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A 3D Printing system that can create forms without the hindrance of gravity

A 3D Printing system that can create forms without the hindrance of gravity | DIY | Maker |

A brand new method of additive manufacturing. This patent-pending method allows for creating 3D objects on any given working surface independently of its inclination and smoothness, and without a need of additional support structures. Conventional methods of additive manufacturing have been affected both by gravity and printing environment: creation of 3D objects on irregular, or non-horizontal surfaces has so far been treated as impossible . By using innovative extrusion technology we are now able to neutralize the effect of gravity during the course of the printing process. This method gives us a flexibility to create truly natural objects by making 3D curves instead of 2D layers. Unlike 2D layers that are ignorant to the structure of the object, the 3D curves can follow exact stress lines of a custom shape. Finally, our new out of the box printing method can help manufacture structures of almost any size and shape.

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3D printers are useless if you don’t know how to use them

3D printers are useless if you don’t know how to use them | DIY | Maker |
Is now the right time to buy a 3D printer, or is it a pointless investment if you don't know how to use the 3D software to design objects for it?
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MaKey MaKey et MidiMidi, contrôleur MIDI DIY

MaKey MaKey et MidiMidi, contrôleur MIDI DIY | DIY | Maker |
Voici une initiative intéressante de deux marques pour transformer tout objet en un instrument ou contrôleur MIDI : JoyLabz et Feelyoursound.
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Impression 3D : où chercher les fichiers gratuits ?

Impression 3D : où chercher les fichiers gratuits ? | DIY | Maker |
Vous venez d’acquérir une imprimante 3D ? Voici quelques sources où vous pourrez chercher des choses à imprimer gratuitement.
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Intel's open-source Galileo computer on sale for $69.90

Intel's open-source Galileo computer on sale for $69.90 | DIY | Maker |

The Galileo computer is an unenclosed circuit board that's a little larger than a credit card, and uses Intel's extremely low-power Quark processor. The board is a competitor to the popular $25 Raspberry Pi open-source PC, and is targeted at the community of makers and enthusiasts who make computing devices ranging from robots and health monitors to home media centers and PCs.

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How the Evolution of Arduino is forming the Internet of Things

How the Evolution of Arduino is forming the Internet of Things | DIY | Maker |
“The age of makers” as Chris Anderson has called one of his books is probably one of the best ways to put the current state of the Internet of Things in its context.
Pierre Tran's insight:

L'Internet des Objets n'est pas seulement conduit par les grands industriels, mais aussi pour une grande part par des hobbyistes.

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Mais qui sont les makers ?

Mais qui sont les makers ? | DIY | Maker |

Les makers étaient au cœur des questionnements de la 5e édition de Lift France, qui s’est tenu à Marseille les 15 et 16 octobre 2013, sur le thème “Produire autrement”.

Pierre Tran's insight:

Retour sur la conférence Lift France sur le thème "Produire autrement", consacrée donc au mouvement des makers mais aussi à ses rapports avec la robotique et l'intelligence artificielle. 

Rémi Sussan revient sur le monde des makers, qui sont-ils, quelles sont leurs motivations, comment leur pratique pourrait passer à l'échelle.

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4 3D printer technologies that could solve current problems

4 3D printer technologies that could solve current problems | DIY | Maker |
From your desk to space, 3D printing technology is raising a whole host of new possibilities. These four were presented at the Inside 3D Printing conference in San Jose.
Pierre Tran's insight:

4 technologies d'impression 3D qui pourraient résoudre des problèmes d'aujourd'hui :

  • imprimer des maisons
  • imprimer en papier au lieu du plastique
  • imprimer des satellites
  • imprimer du tissu humain

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How 3D Printing Will Change Everything

A talk from the conference: You may have heard about recent reports and the debates on gun parts that are printed on a "3D printer"...
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Researchers demonstrate internal tagging technique for 3D-printed objects (w/ Video)

Researchers demonstrate internal tagging technique for 3D-printed objects (w/ Video) | DIY | Maker |

The age of 3D printing, when every object so created can be personalized, will increase the need for tags to keep track of everything. Happily, the same 3D printing process used to produce an object can simultaneously generate an internal, invisible tag, say scientists at Carnegie Mellon University and Microsoft Research.

Pierre Tran's insight:

La technologie InfraStructs pourrait encoder dans un objet imprimé en 3D des marqueurs invisibles permettant à l'objet d'être identifié et d'interagir avec le monde numérique.

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9 Ways 3-D Printing Makes The World Better

9 Ways 3-D Printing Makes The World Better | DIY | Maker |
You’ve heard it before: 2011 2012 2013 is the year of 3-D printing. The future is here! The individual will wrench manufacturing power from the global industrial complex! Basement hobbyists, programmers, and nerds unite!
Pierre Tran's insight:

Des applications vraiment utiles de l'impression 3D

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3D printing will explode in 2014, thanks to the expiration of key patents

3D printing will explode in 2014, thanks to the expiration of key patents | DIY | Maker |
Here's what's holding back 3D printing, the technology that's supposed to revolutionize manufacturing and countless other industries: patents.
Pierre Tran's insight:

La véritable démocratisation de l'impression 3D arrive en 2014. Avec l'expiration des brevets sur le procédé de laser sintering ( frittage sélectif par laser), attendons nous à voir déferler des imprimantes 3D chinoises vraiment bon marché.

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