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MAKE’s First International Maker Meetup a Success!

MAKE’s First International Maker Meetup a Success! | DIY | Maker |
MAKE's first international maker meetup yesterday was a hit. Around the world there were 126 meetups with more than 800 participants.
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"Hackers : bâtisseurs depuis 1959" un ebook par @sabineblanc et @noorchandler [podcast]

Quelle injustice! Quand on parle des hackers, ces bidouilleurs informatique, on pense au détournement, au piratage, aux virus et à toutes sortes de comportements illégaux. Pourtant le hacking est bien plus que cela. On lui doit les plus belles entreprises, les technologies les plus utiles...

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Did You Know, DIY: 7 Resources For DIY Dudes

Did You Know, DIY: 7 Resources For DIY Dudes | DIY | Maker |

Hacking isn’t just for Mark Zuckerburg fellas!
In fact, there’s a DIY switch that’s been embedded deep within our brain matter through years of evolutionary Darwinism. According to a recent study, men engage both sides of the brain when handling visual-spatial tasks. This means you are naturally inclined to see things not how they are, but how they could be. So, it’s time to start using that vision to build something strange like Howard Roark.

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/tmp/lab | Creative use of technology

/tmp/lab | Creative use of technology | DIY | Maker |
/tmp/lab is a hacker space in Vitry sur Seine for people doing creative things with technology, culture and arts.

It’s the first Parisian hacker space and is a project from initiative.

We are hosting projects, workshops, conferences and a lot of various technological activities in this 100 square meter underground space.

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10 DIY Projects on Designrulz for November15, America Recycles Day | DesignRulz

10 DIY Projects on Designrulz for November15, America Recycles Day | DesignRulz | DIY | Maker |
America Recycles Day (ARD), November 15, is the only nationally recognized day dedicated to encouraging Americans to recycle and to buy recycled products.
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Manifesto for a DIY Internet of Things (PDF)

This paper presents a manifesto directed at developers and designers of internet-of-things creation platforms. Currently, most existing creation platforms are tailored to specific types of end-users, mostly people with a substantial background in or affinity with technology. The thirteen items presented in the manifesto however, esulted from several user studies including non-technical users, and highlight aspects that should be taken into account in order to open up internet-of-things reation to a wider audience...

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Conférence 2012 Fablab France #fabtc: Neil Gershenfeld

Neil Gershenfeld est Professeur au MIT, il dirige le laboratoire « Center for Bits and Atoms ». Il est le fondateur du réseau Fab Lab. il est connu pour ses cours « How to Make Something that Makes (almost) Anything » et son livre : « Fab, The coming Revolution on Your Desktop -- From Personal Computers to Personal Fabrication ». Il est aussi le fondateur de la Fab Lab Academy.

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cubieboard - open ARM box

cubieboard - open ARM box | DIY | Maker |
cubieboard is an low cost, high performance open ARM box which can be used in many fields.
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Just How Hard Is It To Get And Use A 3D Printer?

Just How Hard Is It To Get And Use A 3D Printer? | DIY | Maker |

3D printing seems to be everywhere these days, used to create everything from handguns to headphones. But what does it really take to get started: How much does it cost, how difficult is it to use, and how do you actually get your hands on a 3D printer?

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Fab lab en bibliothèque : Exemples et mode d’emploi

Fab lab en bibliothèque : Exemples et mode d’emploi | DIY | Maker |

Qu’est-ce qu’un fab lab ? Comment mettre en place ce nouveau type de lieu partagé ? Un espace public numérique peut-il aujourd’hui faire évoluer une partie de ces activités en fab lab ?

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DIY : Une magnifique horloge avec 180 LED RGB à base d’Arduino

DIY : Une magnifique horloge avec 180 LED RGB à base d’Arduino | DIY | Maker |

Cette horloge électronique a été réalisé sur un circuit imprimé circulaire et elle dispose d'une base arduino qui permet de facilement la programmer...

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How Can I Recover Data from a Dead or Erased Hard Drive?

How Can I Recover Data from a Dead or Erased Hard Drive? | DIY | Maker |
Dear Lifehacker, I have a hard drive with valuable information on it, but I can't seem to access it—the drive is either damaged or erased. Is there any way I can see what's on the drive and get it off?
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Directing an alarm system straight to the Internet

Directing an alarm system straight to the Internet | DIY | Maker |

[Scott] has a pretty nice alarm system at his house – it will give the operator at his alarm company enough information to determine if it’s a fire alarm, burglary, or just a cat walking in front of a sensor. [Scott] wanted to cut out the middle man and receive notifications from his alarm system on his phone. He did just that, with the help of a trusty Arduino and the very cool Electric Imp.

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Chris Anderson: "3D Printing Will Be Bigger Than The Web"

Chris Anderson: "3D Printing Will Be Bigger Than The Web" | DIY | Maker |

Chris Anderson has exited one of the top jobs in publishing - Editor-in-Chief of Wired magazine - to pursue the life of an entrepreneur, making a big bet that 3D printers represent a massive new phase of the industrial revolution.

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Hackers : bâtisseurs depuis 1959

Hackers : bâtisseurs depuis 1959 | DIY | Maker |
Sans les hackers, il n'y aurait pas d'Internet. Il n'y aurait pas d'ordinateur non plus.

Avant d'en arriver à nos PC connectés à 5 megabits par seconde, il y a un demi-siècle d'histoire du hacking, qui n'est rien d'autre stricto sensu, que l'usage créatif des techniques, l'art de démonter les systèmes (hacker signifie "mettre en pièces" en anglais), pour mieux en reconstruire d'autres, en fonction de ses envies, ses besoins, son simple plaisir...

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Make: Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing, 3D printers,

Make: Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing, 3D printers, | DIY | Maker |
Make: Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing is a buyers guide that contains reviews of 15 different 3D printers, including the Makerbot Replicator, Ultimaker, Bukobot and more.
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La Paillasse | Open Space for Biology and Biotechnologies

La Paillasse | Open Space for Biology and Biotechnologies | DIY | Maker |

We are aiming to a very open, diverse and possibly opposed approaches to biology. We are open to new projects from non-members and encourage anyone to come meet us at our weekly meetings, regardless of your knowledge or age; only passion and interest matter.

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Making Arduino powered products - Way cool

Making Arduino powered products - Way cool | DIY | Maker |

So you've always wanted a washing machine that you can talk to, a fridge that tells you when you haven't shut the door and a cat flat that tweets when the mogster goes in and out.....yeh? SO HAVE WE :-D

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I would DiYSE for it! A manifesto for do-it-yourself internet-of-things creation

Full paper presented during the creating & engaging session at NordiCHI 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark...
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Pi Crust

Pi Crust | DIY | Maker |

What's This?

An add-on board for the Raspberry Pi, making it convenient to attach peripherals.

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Build an Amplifying Speaker Out of a Pringles Can

Build an Amplifying Speaker Out of a Pringles Can | DIY | Maker |
Here's how to create a DIY amplifying phone speaker out of a Pringles can and common household items.
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L’impression 3D, boulet médiatique

L’impression 3D, boulet médiatique | DIY | Maker |

Impression 3D et imprécision XXL. Naguère confidentielle, l'impression 3D est devenue un sujet abordé par les médias généralistes, qui s'enthousiasment parfois sans trop de pincettes. Avec le risque de décevoir les attentes énormes soulevées par cette technique dite révolutionnaire.

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Fab lab : La prochaine révolution en bibliothèque, faites-la vous-mêmes!

Fab lab : La prochaine révolution en bibliothèque, faites-la vous-mêmes! | DIY | Maker |

Depuis leur origine, les bibliothèques se sont assez patiemment adaptées aux vagues des nouveaux médias se succédant afin de partager l’information dont les usagers avaient besoin. Notamment pour cette raison : des citoyens informés sont les piliers de la démocratie. Les bibliothèques ont évolué à travers l’âge de l’accès (et ce n’est pas terminé), l’âge de la formation et, maintenant, voici que survient l’âge de la participation. Dans ce contexte, les bibliothèques se redéfinissent en tant que projet de curation et de création.

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Microcontroller Maniacs Rejoice: Arduino Finally Releases the 32-Bit Due

Microcontroller Maniacs Rejoice: Arduino Finally Releases the 32-Bit Due | DIY | Maker |
The long-awaited Arduino Due just hit the market, replacing the 8-bit, 16 MHz brain of the popular Uno microcontroller prototyping platform with a 32-bit, 84 MHz processor, while augmenting inputs and capabilities all around.
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Make It Up | Festival d'obsolescence reprogrammée

Make It Up | Festival d'obsolescence reprogrammée | DIY | Maker |

Imaginez que votre vieux parapluie soit connecté à internet, de sorte qu’il vous dise tous les matins, en fonction de la météo, si vous devriez le prendre ou pas ; cool… n’est-ce pas ?Voilà le challenge que nous nous sommes lancés au travers du Make It Up ! Créer les objets de demain à partir des objets abandonnés d’aujourd’hui.

Trois jours de makeathon (1, 2 & 3 déc.) pour imaginer ensemble des prototypes d’objets ouverts, utiles, durables et connectés à partir du matériel de récupération.

Deux jours d’exposition (8 & 9 déc.) au Puces de Saint-Ouen ouverte à tous!

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