Heutagogy: designing for self-directed learners | Innovative Learning Spheres | Scoop.it
While acknowledging that the whole concept of self-determination – or ‘Google
learning’ as it has been called, pejoratively, in certain circles – is fraught with the potential for missing the point, being distracted into rabbit warrens or just getting bad information, we would like to emphasise that this is only a potential.


===> Any learning theory is only as good as the way in which it is applied and worked through, and we have seen it produce highly successful results where correctly applied, in the right circumstances. <===


Watch this space for chapter and verse, as we will soon be publishing case studies of several recent programmes that feature high levels of learner self-direction.

Learners are changing, learning is changing – and heutagogy can give important clues about rebalancing the burden of responsibilities and permissions in an always-on, networked, instructorless, post-course world.


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Via Gust MEES