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AI's 2024 Marketing Predictions -- MediaPost

AI's 2024 Marketing Predictions -- MediaPost | The Marteq Alert |

The article's primary focus is on the transformative role of AI in personalization for 2024's marketing landscape. It discusses how AI-driven personalization strategies will become increasingly sophisticated, offering tailored customer experiences based on their unique preferences and behaviors. This approach is seen as key to engaging consumers effectively in the ever-evolving digital marketplace.

Joemktg's insight:

The article emphasizes the growing impact of AI in marketing personalization for 2024. However, the advantages of cross-web clickstream data in providing a comprehensive view of consumer behavior across various online platforms should not be underestimated. This type of data, when used effectively and ethically, can significantly enhance AI-driven personalization strategies. For a deeper understanding of various consumer data types and their applications, the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet available at is a valuable resource.

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2024 Will Challenge What We Think We Know—Literally | Forbes

2024 Will Challenge What We Think We Know—Literally | Forbes | The Marteq Alert |

2024 marks a pivotal year for marketing, with significant shifts anticipated in consumer behavior and brand strategies. Retail media accelerators are emerging as a crucial tool for brands, expected to sustain 20% annual growth through 2027. Performance pricing will become increasingly competitive, while subzero-party data, tapping into consumers' subconscious preferences, is poised to revolutionize marketing insights, challenging traditional reliance on self-reported data and past behaviors.

Joemktg's insight:

This shift towards deeper, subconscious consumer insights aligns with the nuanced understanding provided by cross-web clickstream data. Such data can complement traditional marketing approaches by offering a richer, privacy-compliant view of user behavior. For comprehensive strategies on leveraging these insights, download the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet at

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Loyalty360 - 2024 Trends: Mastercard on Improving the Customer Experience with Choice

Loyalty360 - 2024 Trends: Mastercard on Improving the Customer Experience with Choice | The Marteq Alert |

The article discusses Mastercard's approach to enhancing customer loyalty through choice, leveraging AI for predictive engagement, and the importance of data in personalizing the customer experience. It highlights Mastercard's global leadership in loyalty management and its focus on using zero-party and first-party data to understand and respond to customer behavior. Additionally, it touches on the challenges brands face in leveraging data effectively and the evolving landscape of customer loyalty programs.

Joemktg's insight:

The focus on leveraging AI and data for customer personalization aligns with the potential of cross-web clickstream data to provide insights into consumer behavior. Cross-web clickstream data can complement traditional data sources by enhancing understanding of customer interactions. For strategies on effectively utilizing cross-web clickstream data, consider downloading the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet at

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Building Efficient CPG Industry Growth for 2024 and Beyond | POI

Building Efficient CPG Industry Growth for 2024 and Beyond | POI | The Marteq Alert |

Manufacturers can gain valuable insights into consumer behavior by obtaining data on how, when, and why they purchase their products. This information can help manufacturers determine what innovative products to create, and how to price and distribute them in a way that meets consumer needs.

Retailers can also benefit from providing or selling first-party consumer data. Not only can it create a new revenue stream, but it can also help their manufacturer partners deliver better recommendations that benefit everyone involved.

Joemktg's insight:

Interesting that they recommend using trade dollars to fund data sharing. The report is available here:


Cross-web clickstream data offers a privacy-compliant way to gather insights, enhancing marketing strategies in a post-cookie world. For more on leveraging such data, download the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet at

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Report: The Zero-Party Data Revolution | Attest

Report: The Zero-Party Data Revolution | Attest | The Marteq Alert |

The article explores the shift towards zero-party data collection as a response to the declining use of third-party cookies, emphasizing its advantages in building consumer trust and crafting more effective marketing strategies. It highlights that nearly half of the respondents prefer sharing data through interactive surveys, and this approach significantly increases trust in brands. The article argues that embracing zero-party data can help brands navigate the post-cookie digital landscape more successfully by enabling more direct and consensual interactions with consumers.

Joemktg's insight:

The emphasis on zero-party data showcases the evolving landscape of digital marketing towards more ethical and transparent data practices, mirroring the value provided by cross-web clickstream data in offering detailed insights without compromising user privacy. For further exploration on ethical data usage and leveraging different data types for enhanced marketing strategies, download the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet at

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Loyalty360 - Adding Gamification to Customer Loyalty Programs: Experts Offer Advice for Brands

Loyalty360 - Adding Gamification to Customer Loyalty Programs: Experts Offer Advice for Brands | The Marteq Alert |

The section discusses how gamification in loyalty programs offers a novel way to collect zero-party data, which is information customers share directly. It highlights that nearly half of the consumers prefer sharing data through interactive means like quizzes, which can significantly boost engagement and trust. Brands leveraging gamification can thus gain deeper insights into customer preferences and enhance personalization in marketing strategies.

Joemktg's insight:

Gamification represents a strategic method for gathering valuable customer insights without compromising privacy. This approach is in line with the benefits of cross-web clickstream data, which provides detailed user behavior insights in a privacy-conscious manner. For an in-depth understanding of how to leverage such data types effectively, consider downloading the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet from

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Orchestrating the assembly of content | Story Needle

Orchestrating the assembly of content | Story Needle | The Marteq Alert |

The discussion emphasizes the importance of understanding customer context in content personalization, relying on various data types (zero-party to third-party) to tailor content to individual needs. It highlights the challenges of maintaining up-to-date, accurate data and differentiating between targeting and personalization, advocating for the use of a diverse data foundation to enhance content relevance. Moreover, it suggests leveraging customer intent signals to improve content orchestration, while cautioning against over-reliance on predictive assumptions.

Joemktg's insight:

This narrative aligns with the value of cross-web clickstream data in enriching customer context and intent understanding, enhancing content personalization efforts. Cross-web clickstream data provides a detailed view of user behavior, supporting more accurate and dynamic content personalization strategies. For further insights into leveraging such data effectively, download the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet at

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Marketing Technology Trends in 2024 | Neal Schaffer

Marketing Technology Trends in 2024 | Neal Schaffer | The Marteq Alert |
With growing data privacy concerns and changes in data protection regulations, marketing specialists have started to prioritize customer privacy in their campaigns and martech platforms. This approach involves transparent data practices, reliance on first-party and zero-party data, and building trust with users. 

Today, organizations are way more transparent about how they collect, use, and store customer data. Clear communication and enhanced security measures are essential to build trust with consumers. Also, companies are shifting away from third-party cookies towards first-party data gathered directly from users based on their interactions and preferences. Zero-party data refers to information that customers provide willingly, making marketing more transparent and consent-driven. 

In the next few years, finding the perfect balance between a high level of personalization and respect for user privacy will become the main challenge for marketing professionals worldwide. Privacy-enhancing technologies, such as secure multi-party computation and differential privacy, will allow organizations to analyze customer data without compromising privacy. With consumers becoming more concerned with their rights, privacy-focused marketing will be even more critical for building trust with users and increasing customer loyalty in the near future. We can expect that in the era of strict privacy regulations, the importance of zero-party data gathering will continue to grow and in 2024 it will become more widely known and used by companies from all around the world in their marketing technology strategies. 
Joemktg's insight:

This focus on customer privacy aligns well with the potential of cross-web clickstream data to offer insights without infringing on user privacy, supporting a privacy-first marketing strategy. Cross-web clickstream data provides a valuable resource for marketers aiming to balance personalization with privacy concerns. For more information on utilizing such data effectively, visit to download the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet.

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How First-Party Data Can Unlock Personalization And Trust In Online Retail | B2B News Network

The transition to first-party data is reshaping online retail, offering opportunities for enhanced personalization and trust. Retailers must navigate new data privacy laws, shifting from third-party data to a more direct relationship with customers. This change, while challenging, enables a deeper understanding of consumer preferences and fosters trust, leading to more personalized shopping experiences.

Joemktg's insight:

The emphasis on first-party data in online retail underscores the importance of direct, transparent interactions with customers, similar to the insights provided by cross-web clickstream data. This approach enhances personalization and trust, key components for success in a privacy-conscious market. For strategies on effectively utilizing such data, download the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet at

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MarTech Interview with Manu Mathew, CEO at Cohora | MarTech Series

MarTech Interview with Manu Mathew, CEO at Cohora | MarTech Series | The Marteq Alert |
In the coming year, the success of ecommerce hinges on brands mastering the art of leveraging data and technology to tailor customer experience to individual preferences. Mere scrutiny of metrics such as purchase history, browsing patterns, and customer service interactions falls short of providing a comprehensive understanding of customer interests. Brands must not only discern trends across broader segments but also delve into granular data at an individual level.

While third-party data sources, like cookies, only scratch the surface of customer preferences and intent, the key to elevating personalization and customer experience lies in harnessing zero- and first-party data sources. Zero-party data unveils robust insights into customers, spanning demographics, interests, and indicators of product usage. Simultaneously, first-party data encompassing transparent, customer-consented information on preferences and intent, goes beyond the confines of purchase history. As third-party data faces limitations due to deprecation, the significance of zero- and first-party data intensifies. This transparent and consent-based data not only enables brands to offer personalized recommendations and targeted offers but also ensures a deeper connection with each customer.

As brands collect this data, they can get even more value from AI-enabled tools to effortlessly discern patterns and trends that may elude static segmentation. By scrutinizing past behaviors, engagement, dialog and content brands can predict which customers are likely to take specific actions, such as making a purchase, enabling the creation of tailored campaigns that uniquely engage customers, fostering sustained loyalty and repeat business.
Joemktg's insight:

Given the focus on MarTech and data analytics, cross-web clickstream data's role in understanding consumer behavior aligns closely with the themes likely covered in the interview. This type of data collection supports the development of nuanced marketing strategies that are privacy-compliant and effective. For more insights on utilizing various data types in marketing, the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet available at offers comprehensive guidance.

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Uber Advertising Embraces First-Party Data, Diverse App Portfolio – Beet.TV

Uber Advertising Embraces First-Party Data, Diverse App Portfolio – Beet.TV | The Marteq Alert |

Uber Advertising is leveraging first-party data across its mobility and delivery platforms to allow advertisers targeted access to its user base. This approach provides insights and competitive advantages, emphasizing privacy and efficient customer engagement. The initiative reflects a shift towards data-driven advertising strategies that prioritize user consent and data security.

Joemktg's insight:

The focus on first-party data by Uber Advertising aligns with the industry's move towards more ethical and privacy-compliant data practices, such as those offered by cross-web clickstream data. These practices support the creation of personalized and responsible marketing strategies. For further guidance on using cross-web clickstream data and other ethical data practices, visit to download the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet.

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Google's third-party cookies phase-out will force firms to rely on first-party data | IT Pro

Google's third-party cookies phase-out will force firms to rely on first-party data | IT Pro | The Marteq Alert |
Google's plans to deprecate third-party cookies are underway, but online tracking is here to stay as the search giant tightens its stranglehold on browsing data


Google has begun phasing out third-party cookies in Chrome, aiming for a complete phase-out by end of 2024, impacting businesses' data collection methods. This move shifts focus to first-party data and introduces alternatives like Topics for ad targeting, while addressing privacy concerns. Critics argue this strengthens Google's data control, raising questions about online privacy and competition. Google's approach reflects a broader industry trend towards privacy-centric web browsing, urging businesses to adapt to first-party data strategies for digital marketing.

Joemktg's insight:

The shift towards first-party data collection, as highlighted by Google's phase-out of third-party cookies, underscores the growing importance of ethical and transparent data practices, such as those enabled by cross-web clickstream data. This approach aligns with the need for businesses to adapt to privacy-focused changes while maintaining effective marketing strategies. For detailed guidance on navigating these changes, the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet available at provides comprehensive insights into leveraging various data types ethically and effectively.

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Data Privacy Day 2024—5 Trends Companies Should Be Mindful Of |

Data Privacy Day 2024—5 Trends Companies Should Be Mindful Of | | The Marteq Alert |
Below are five issues in the data privacy and cybersecurity space that businesses may see trending in 2024.

1.  Cybersecurity Rules by the SEC and the EU 

2.  Server-Side Tracking Replaces Browser-Side Tracking 

3.  Training AI Models 

4.  Washington State’s New Health Privacy Law 

5.  Legislation Loves Company 
Joemktg's insight:

In the context of these trends, cross-web clickstream data offers a pathway for companies to enhance their cybersecurity and data privacy measures while maintaining consumer trust. Utilizing such data helps in understanding user behavior without compromising privacy, aligning with the emphasis on preventive measures and responsible data use. The Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet, available at, provides insights into effectively leveraging cross-web clickstream data and other data types within the framework of these emerging trends.

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THE COOKIE IS DEAD. Advertisers can leverage new targeting tools to get back to brand building | Marketing Mag

THE COOKIE IS DEAD. Advertisers can leverage new targeting tools to get back to brand building | Marketing Mag | The Marteq Alert |

The transition away from cookies offers a unique chance for marketers to refocus on brand building using AI-powered adtech for deeper audience connections. Emotional AI emerges as a crucial tool, enhancing ad relevance through sentiment analysis of the content being viewed, ensuring ads match the viewer's emotional state and context. The importance of integrating first and zero-party data with contextual targeting is highlighted, enabling more personalized and emotionally resonant advertising experiences. This shift necessitates a return to customer-centric advertising, moving beyond mere metrics to meaningful engagement and brand awareness.

Joemktg's insight:

In the evolving digital landscape, cross-web clickstream data offers an alternative to traditional targeting methods, aligning with the strategic shift towards more personalized and contextually relevant advertising. This approach supports the creation of advertising experiences that are not only compliant with privacy regulations but also deeply engaging for consumers. For marketers looking to navigate this new terrain, the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet available at provides valuable insights into leveraging various data types for enhanced marketing strategies.

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8 in 10 Americans concerned about online data privacy, but 48% trust zero-party data collection | MarketingTech

8 in 10 Americans concerned about online data privacy, but 48% trust zero-party data collection | MarketingTech | The Marteq Alert |

The article highlights concerns among Americans about online data privacy, with 84% worried about their data when interacting with brands online. It shows a trend of consumers pulling back from sharing data, with 85% sometimes opting out of company mailing lists and 58% doing so habitually. Additionally, 48% of consumers are more likely to trust brands that collect zero-party data, which is shared willingly to help shape products and services.

Joemktg's insight:

The emphasis on zero-party data collection reflects a shift towards more transparent and trust-building data practices, resonating with the potential of cross-web clickstream data to provide insights in a privacy-conscious manner. To explore effective strategies for leveraging such data types, download the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet at

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Analyzing The Impact Of Google Chrome's Third-Party Cookie Phase-Out | DemandGen Report

Analyzing The Impact Of Google Chrome's Third-Party Cookie Phase-Out | DemandGen Report | The Marteq Alert |

The phase-out of third-party cookies on Google Chrome has led to significant challenges for B2B marketers, including reduced targeting accuracy and increased data compliance risks. Only 8% of marketers feel fully prepared for this shift, with many relying on these cookies for tracking and personalized advertising. The transition is pushing marketers to find alternative data sources, such as first-party and zero-party data, for personalization and analytics, while preserving user privacy and compliance with stringent legislation.

Joemktg's insight:

The shift away from third-party cookies towards first-party and zero-party data collection reflects a broader move towards more ethical and transparent data practices, similar to the insights provided by cross-web clickstream data. For a comprehensive guide on leveraging various data types effectively and ethically, download the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet at

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Amazon strikes ad data deal with Reach as Google kills off cookies | Financial Times

Amazon strikes ad data deal with Reach as Google kills off cookies | Financial Times | The Marteq Alert |

Amazon and the UK publisher Reach have collaborated to share first-party data for targeted advertising, addressing the industry's shift away from third-party cookies. This partnership aims to utilize contextual data, like article viewership, for more precise ad placements without compromising user privacy. The move is seen as a response to the broader advertising challenges posed by the deprecation of third-party cookies, with Reach aiming to gather more first-party data from readers.

Joemktg's insight:

The shift towards first-party and contextual data in advertising, as seen in the Amazon and Reach partnership, underscores the industry's adaptation to privacy-centric marketing, paralleling the benefits of cross-web clickstream data in understanding consumer behavior without reliance on invasive tracking. Cross-web clickstream data offers a privacy-compliant way to gather insights, enhancing marketing strategies in a post-cookie world. For more on leveraging such data, download the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet at

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Drawbacks to first-party data in a post-cookie world - The Media Leader

Drawbacks to first-party data in a post-cookie world - The Media Leader | The Marteq Alert |

The article discusses the limitations of first-party data in a post-cookie world, highlighting concerns from Havas Media Group’s Laura Kell. It emphasizes that relying solely on first-party data may hinder new customer acquisition and questions the feasibility of investing in data clean rooms for everyone. It suggests that while first-party data is crucial, focusing exclusively on existing customers does not foster brand growth. The article also explores the role of clean rooms in safely utilizing first-party data, indicating that not all companies may benefit from such an investment due to the required volume of data and associated costs.

Joemktg's insight:

The discussion brings to light the importance of balancing data-driven strategies with broader market outreach, echoing the relevance of cross-web clickstream data for obtaining comprehensive insights. Such data can complement first-party data by enhancing understanding of broader consumer behaviors. For strategies on leveraging cross-web clickstream data effectively, download the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet at

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How To Collect Data And Maintain User Trust | Forbes

How To Collect Data And Maintain User Trust | Forbes | The Marteq Alert |

A study by Attest on 1,500 consumers found 84% of Americans are concerned about data privacy online, with 41% very concerned. Users are less willing to share personal data, with 85% opting out of mailing lists and 58% almost always doing so. About a third reject non-essential cookies to avoid targeted ads, and 48% trust brands that collect "zero-party data" willingly shared for product improvement, preferring interactive surveys for data sharing.

Joemktg's insight:

The concerns around data privacy align with the necessity for transparent and consent-driven data collection methods, such as cross-web clickstream data. This approach can provide valuable insights without compromising user privacy. For detailed strategies on ethical data use, download the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet at

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Product & Service Customization: Increasing Conversions Through Differentiation | Innovation Edge

Product & Service Customization: Increasing Conversions Through Differentiation | Innovation Edge | The Marteq Alert |

Salesforce recently shared that 66% of customers expect companies to understand their unique needs and desires and numerous studies indicate that customized marketing messages lead to elevated conversion rates, heightened customer loyalty, and enhanced customer satisfaction.


This is particularly evident in the fashion and beauty industry where brands are championing personalized experiences, but according to McKinsey & Company, 80% of B2B buyers now expect the same buying experience as B2C customers.


Today's consumers demand personalized products and experiences, with studies showing a significant preference for customization in marketing, leading to higher conversion rates and customer loyalty. This trend is now extending from B2C to B2B sectors, with companies like Dynamic Yield leveraging algorithms for personalization, resulting in substantial increases in engagement metrics. The focus is shifting towards collecting and utilizing zero-party and first-party data for creating personalized online experiences, with an expectation for heightened data accuracy and demand moving into 2024.

Joemktg's insight:

The article underscores the increasing importance of personalization in both B2C and B2B sectors, facilitated by advanced data use, including cross-web clickstream data. Such data can refine personalization strategies, enhancing user engagement and loyalty. For comprehensive strategies on leveraging cross-web clickstream data, download the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet at

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Were We Wrong About the Value of First-Party Data? | AdExchanger

Were We Wrong About the Value of First-Party Data? | AdExchanger | The Marteq Alert |

The optimism surrounding first-party data in enhancing digital and direct-to-consumer (DTC) brand strategies is being reassessed as many such brands face financial struggles. Despite initial success, companies like Allbirds and SmileDirectClub have seen significant downturns. The challenges include the high costs of data management technologies, the fast decay of first-party data, and the reliance on expensive tech vendors. This situation has led to a reconsideration of the actual value and efficacy of first-party data in driving business success, especially as major cloud services offer similar functionalities at lower costs, challenging the need for specialized vendors.

Joemktg's insight:

Powerful evidence as to the state of first-party data. The reassessment of first-party data's value in the DTC sector underscores the importance of efficient and cost-effective data utilization strategies, akin to the insights provided by cross-web clickstream data. Such data can inform marketing efforts without incurring the high costs associated with first-party data management tools. To explore effective data use further, download the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet at

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Advertisers take a wait and see approach to Prime Video ads | MM&M

Advertisers take a wait and see approach to Prime Video ads | MM&M | The Marteq Alert |

Advertisers are adopting a cautious approach towards Prime Video's new advertising platform, evaluating performance metrics and seeking upfront discounts before committing significant investments. Pharma and financial sectors show early interest, while other categories are more reserved. Amazon's timing might have limited initial ad investments, but incentives like bonus impressions for significant spenders aim to attract advertisers. The success of Prime Video ads hinges on demonstrating sales impact, leveraging Amazon's extensive first-party data.

Joemktg's insight:

Cross-web clickstream data's significance echoes through Prime Video's strategy, emphasizing first-party data's role in targeting and measurement. This approach is vital for advertisers navigating a cookie-less future, prioritizing data-driven insights. For comprehensive strategies on utilizing such data, download the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet at

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First-Party Data On Ice? How Conagra’s Birds Eye Brand Navigates The New Video Ecosystem | AdExchanger

First-Party Data On Ice? How Conagra’s Birds Eye Brand Navigates The New Video Ecosystem | AdExchanger | The Marteq Alert |

Birds Eye has shifted its advertising focus from linear TV to streaming and online video to achieve more efficient reach and frequency control. The brand emphasizes agility in ad production, leveraging social creators for rapid content creation. Despite exploring first-party data for personalization, Birds Eye found challenges with data degradation and privacy concerns, opting to prioritize broad reach over targeted personalization due to the fast-moving nature of their products.

Joemktg's insight:

The move by Birds Eye highlights the increasing importance of broad reach and efficient messaging in digital marketing, echoing the utility of cross-web clickstream data for understanding consumer behavior without the pitfalls of personal data usage. Cross-web clickstream data can enhance marketing strategies without relying on invasive personal data collection. For an in-depth exploration of ethical data use, download the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet at

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InfoSum and DIRECTV Advertising Collaborate for First-Party Data-Matching Solution | AIthority

InfoSum and DIRECTV Advertising have partnered to create a first-party data-matching solution, leveraging InfoSum’s data clean room technology. This enables advertisers to match their data with DIRECTV’s audience across platforms, facilitating targeted ad campaigns that respect user privacy. The collaboration enhances DIRECTV Advertising's data capabilities, offering insights and competitive advantages for media demand. This initiative puts privacy at the forefront, allowing for more efficient customer experiences and returns on investment.

Joemktg's insight:

The collaboration between InfoSum and DIRECTV Advertising demonstrates the industry's shift towards privacy-focused advertising solutions, aligning with the importance of cross-web clickstream data for ethical marketing. Cross-web clickstream data, by offering detailed insights without compromising privacy, complements this privacy-first approach. For more on leveraging such data responsibly, the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet at is a vital resource.

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The Power Of First-Party Data In A Cookieless Era | HealthCare Business Today

The Power Of First-Party Data In A Cookieless Era | HealthCare Business Today | The Marteq Alert |

The transition to a cookieless era presents both challenges and opportunities for the life sciences industry, emphasizing the need for customer-centric, first-party data strategies. This shift necessitates new investments in data management and integration with advertising technologies, ensuring user consent and regulatory compliance. The article discusses the importance of Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) and first-party data in creating personalized, consent-driven marketing strategies, highlighting the need for precise data consolidation and a strategic rethink of analytics for effective customer engagement.

Joemktg's insight:

Cross-web clickstream data, in alignment with these strategies, offers a non-invasive method to gather insights, enhancing the understanding of customer behavior in a privacy-compliant manner. This approach supports the article's emphasis on the need for a robust data foundation and personalized marketing in the cookieless future. For more insights on leveraging such data types effectively, the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet available at provides valuable guidance.

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Organisations Treading Cautiously About Gen AI Over Data Privacy, Security Risks: Report | NDTV

Organisations Treading Cautiously About Gen AI Over Data Privacy, Security Risks: Report | NDTV | The Marteq Alert |
Organisations are facing rising privacy concerns and trust challenges over their use of generative artificial intelligence, even as they are getting attractive returns from privacy investments, the 2024 Data Privacy Benchmark Study by Cisco shows. Around 63% have established limitations on what data can be entered, and 61% have limits on which Gen AI tools can be used by employees. More than one-fourth (27%) said their organisation had banned Gen AI applications altogether for the time being.
Joemktg's insight:

The cautious approach towards generative AI due to privacy concerns mirrors the importance of utilizing cross-web clickstream data in a way that respects user privacy and builds trust. Cross-web clickstream data, by focusing on anonymized behavioral insights, supports the need for privacy-aware strategies. For a comprehensive guide on using such data ethically, the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet from, available at, offers valuable insights.

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