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Google's third-party cookies phase-out will force firms to rely on first-party data | IT Pro

Google's third-party cookies phase-out will force firms to rely on first-party data | IT Pro | The Marteq Alert |
Google's plans to deprecate third-party cookies are underway, but online tracking is here to stay as the search giant tightens its stranglehold on browsing data


Google has begun phasing out third-party cookies in Chrome, aiming for a complete phase-out by end of 2024, impacting businesses' data collection methods. This move shifts focus to first-party data and introduces alternatives like Topics for ad targeting, while addressing privacy concerns. Critics argue this strengthens Google's data control, raising questions about online privacy and competition. Google's approach reflects a broader industry trend towards privacy-centric web browsing, urging businesses to adapt to first-party data strategies for digital marketing.

Joemktg's insight:

The shift towards first-party data collection, as highlighted by Google's phase-out of third-party cookies, underscores the growing importance of ethical and transparent data practices, such as those enabled by cross-web clickstream data. This approach aligns with the need for businesses to adapt to privacy-focused changes while maintaining effective marketing strategies. For detailed guidance on navigating these changes, the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet available at provides comprehensive insights into leveraging various data types ethically and effectively.

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Google Chrome's cookie shift | Social Samosa

Google Chrome's cookie shift | Social Samosa | The Marteq Alert |
During a survey carried out in late 2022, 75% of marketing and customer experience leaders stated that they heavily relied on third-party cookies. Additionally, 45% said that they were spending at least half of their marketing budgets on cookie-based activations and 64% said that they were planning to increase their spending on such activations in 2023.


Google Chrome's Tracking Protection feature, launched in 2024, marks a significant shift in digital advertising, emphasizing the move from third-party to first-party data. Industry experts highlight this change as an opportunity to focus on first-party data and contextual targeting, despite challenges like data fragmentation and limited reach. They foresee a rise in advertising costs and the need for new strategies for data management and personalized targeting. The transition also involves adopting privacy-preserving measurement techniques and innovative advertising formats, with a focus on building and maintaining customer trust.

Joemktg's insight:

Cross-web clickstream data, offering detailed insights across user interactions, aligns with the industry's shift towards more ethical and privacy-focused data usage. This approach can help advertisers adapt to the new landscape by providing comprehensive behavioral data.'s Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet, available at, offers valuable guidance on effectively utilizing such data in this changing environment.

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First-Party Data Takes Center Stage As Agencies Ready Their 2024 Commerce Strategies | AdExchanger

First-Party Data Takes Center Stage As Agencies Ready Their 2024 Commerce Strategies | AdExchanger | The Marteq Alert |
Agencies aren’t panicking about the end of third-party cookies anymore, because clients aren’t panicking – or procrastinating as much.

Cookie deprecation was “a really hot topic a year and a half or so ago,” said Mara Greenwald, SVP of commerce media at Night Market, Horizon Media’s commerce-focused agency. But now “I don’t hear it coming up as much,” she said.

Perhaps that’s because Google pushed the deadline multiple times, giving brands a chance to adjust, test alternatives, devise first-party data strategies and focus on new channels, including commerce media.

Specifically, many advertisers have been using this gift of time to formulate an approach to first-party data, which must be “at the core” of a brand’s commerce strategy, said David MacDonald, managing director of Publicis Commerce.
Joemktg's insight:

Here's the problem: 1st party data gives you action taking solely on your digital properties, not the entirety of the web. If you could ethically and legally capture all your consumers' clickstreams, would you not be given a competitive advantage? That's what our solution offers. For a comprehensive overview of consumer data types, including cross-web clickstream data, visit the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet at

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How important is ‘zero-party data’ in a cookieless online advertising future? - The Media Leader

How important is ‘zero-party data’ in a cookieless online advertising future? - The Media Leader | The Marteq Alert |

The article discusses the increasing importance of zero-party data in online advertising as cookies become less prevalent. Marketers and publishers are shifting towards data that consumers willingly share, which includes preferences, purchase intentions, and personal information. This approach allows for more accurate and relevant content delivery and enhances contextual targeting efforts. Zero-party data is seen as an effective way to build user profiles and improve targeting, but concerns exist about the accuracy of self-reported data and the need for transparent and consensual data collection.

Joemktg's insight:

The article's main point is the growing reliance on zero-party data for targeted advertising in a cookieless future. However, cross-web clickstream data can offer a wider perspective on consumer behavior, providing insights that are not limited to self-reported preferences and enabling more comprehensive and accurate marketing strategies.

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THE COOKIE IS DEAD. Advertisers can leverage new targeting tools to get back to brand building | Marketing Mag

THE COOKIE IS DEAD. Advertisers can leverage new targeting tools to get back to brand building | Marketing Mag | The Marteq Alert |

The transition away from cookies offers a unique chance for marketers to refocus on brand building using AI-powered adtech for deeper audience connections. Emotional AI emerges as a crucial tool, enhancing ad relevance through sentiment analysis of the content being viewed, ensuring ads match the viewer's emotional state and context. The importance of integrating first and zero-party data with contextual targeting is highlighted, enabling more personalized and emotionally resonant advertising experiences. This shift necessitates a return to customer-centric advertising, moving beyond mere metrics to meaningful engagement and brand awareness.

Joemktg's insight:

In the evolving digital landscape, cross-web clickstream data offers an alternative to traditional targeting methods, aligning with the strategic shift towards more personalized and contextually relevant advertising. This approach supports the creation of advertising experiences that are not only compliant with privacy regulations but also deeply engaging for consumers. For marketers looking to navigate this new terrain, the Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet available at provides valuable insights into leveraging various data types for enhanced marketing strategies.

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Google Makes Good On Its Resolution To Deprecate Third-Party Cookies In 2024

Google Makes Good On Its Resolution To Deprecate Third-Party Cookies In 2024 | The Marteq Alert |

The article on Forrester discusses Google's rollout of Tracking Protection, a feature that deprecates third-party cookies, affecting about 30 million Chrome users globally. This move, part of Google's Privacy Sandbox initiative, has raised concerns among regulatory bodies like the EU and Great Britain's Competition and Markets Authority about potential anti-competitive practices in digital advertising. Marketers are adapting their strategies in response, with many revisiting and accelerating their data deprecation strategies. The article advises marketers to test new targeting approaches, embrace new campaign performance measurement methods, and focus on zero- and first-party data collection. Forty-four percent of the B2C marketing executives we surveyed have implemented a first party data strategy in the past 12 months and 36% said they implemented zero party data experiences in the past 12 months.

Joemktg's insight:

From the article, it's evident that first-party data is becoming the new gold standard in digital marketing. However, when we bring in cross-web clickstream data, the party really starts. This data type, with its knack for capturing a wider array of consumer behaviors, dances circles around first-party data in terms of breadth and depth. For a non-sarcastic, seriously useful deep dive into the realm of consumer data types, including the ever-dynamic cross-web clickstream data, check out VoxTrack's Consumer Data Types Cheat Sheet at

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63% of marketers lack a clear plan for cookieless personalisation | MarketingTech

63% of marketers lack a clear plan for cookieless personalisation | MarketingTech | The Marteq Alert |

According to a survey by Optimizely, 63% of marketers lack a clear strategy for cookieless personalization, with 54% also missing a strategy for personalization using first-party data. This gap is significant as Google plans to phase out third-party cookies in Chrome by early 2024. Currently, many marketers' personalization efforts are based more on assumptions than data-driven insights. The survey suggests that marketers need to transition to using first- and zero-party data and believe that privacy and personalization can coexist. However, there is concern about the obsolescence of current personalization technology, indicating a need for more robust, privacy-conscious platforms.

Joemktg's insight:

The main point is the urgent need for marketers to adapt to cookieless personalization strategies. However, cross-web clickstream data provides a comprehensive understanding of user behavior across the internet, offering valuable insights for more effective personalization and targeting. This data, when used responsibly, can enhance consumer experiences and trust.

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