Our poor sleeping habits are filling our brains with neurotoxins | Technology in Business Today | Scoop.it

"One more reason to put away the phone and just get a good night's sleep, already." .............. "As a result of these findings, Swart said she’s been “even more careful about [her] sleep.” In fact, as part of Swart’s Neuroscience For Leadership class at MIT in April, she discussed the serious health consequences that come from neglecting shut-eye. Swart, who is also a leadership coach, has been instructing executives to sleep for years. She promotes techniques related to diet and exercise, and warns that sleeping next to your smartphone—the one that emits 3G and 4G signals all night—affects your brain patterns, restructuring your brain cells and likely preventing you from allowing your brain to clean out waste material properly."

Via Dennis Richards, Rui Guimarães Lima