Charlie Sheen Isn't the Only One You're Hurting When You Slut-Shame Him for Having HIV | Sex Positive |
"I'm not a fan of Charlie Sheen — he's an abusive, violent misogynist — but making jokes about how he'll need more than 'tiger blood' to survive, as some outlets have already cracked, is dehumanizing and disgusting," Dawson added. "We as a society consider people living with STIs to be amoral, dirty and dishonest. Tabloids will have a field day reinforcing that stereotype through Sheen. And the women he has been involved with will absolutely have their privacy invaded and their choices held up to scrutiny."

The stigma against sex workers: Indeed, it's Sheen's former sex worker girlfriends who are currently being smeared on social media — despite the fact that Sheen himself told Matt Lauer he's not certain how he contracted the virus.