Infographic: The Rapidly Growing Digital Advertising Market - Marketing Technology Blog | MarketingHits |

We met with a non-profit last week in our office who have developed an incredible following on Facebook. However, their approved budget only has line items for television and radio advertisements as their overall marketing budget. This is an issue with many non-profits… directors are a bit complicit as they direct budgets based on grants that have been around for decades.


It’s not that we’re poo-pooing television and radio (we do a segment on radio), it’s just that they’re expensive mediums that need to be properly deployed as part of an overall marketing mix. Digital media offers low-cost, high yield opportunities – especially with non-profit organizations where the employees and customers are so passionate. Online media offers the opportunity for you to spark the fire, and your fans and followers to spread it. It’s truly unlike any traditional source.


When the average person is exposed to 3,000 advertising messages a day, you want to make sure that your advertising vehicle will get you to the target that you want. The Internet’s ease of access has created a large search gateway for customer’s needing your product or service. Upon balancing the prices of Internet advertising with its benefits, it’s easy to see why this is not a market to ignore.

The quote above and the infographic below from the Advice Interactive Group is a comprehensive look at the growth of digital marketing over time with respect to traditional media.