JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
Keeping track of current JavaScript Frameworks that help design your clientside Business Logic Layers.
Curated by Jan Hesse
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Writing a JavaScript Framework - Project Structuring

This post is a tutorial for writing a next-gen JavaScript Framework & solving problems regarding extendibility, dependency injection and private variables.


In this chapter, I am going to explain how NX is structured, and how I solved its use case specific difficulties regarding extendibility, dependency injection and private variables.

The series includes the following chapters.

  1. Project structuring (current chapter)
  2. Execution timing
  3. Sandboxed code evaluation
  4. Data binding (part 1)
  5. Data binding (part 2)
  6. Custom elements
  7. Client side routing
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Functional Programming in JavaScript

In this video series, I will teach you how to do functional programming in JavaScript. In this first one, I will tell you about one of the most important concepts in functional programming: Higher-order functions. I will talk about what higher order-functions are, and then move on to code, and show you how to use them. I will also tell you why you should learn functional programming in the first place.

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Longevity (or Lack Thereof) in JavaScript Frameworks

Longevity (or Lack Thereof) in JavaScript Frameworks | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
JavaScript Frameworks' longevity is an often overlooked yet critical ingredient in project success.

Every six months, a hot new framework hits the mainstream, and our community explodes with excitement.

Don’t believe the hype.

Framework longevity is a critical ingredient in project success. Most technology decision makers use metrics like community size, popularity, and big company support to justify their choice of framework, but these factors actually don’t predict longevity.

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A concise and accurate JavaScript tutorial

A concise and accurate JavaScript tutorial | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
A concise and accurate JavaScript tutorial/notes written for those entering the JavaScript world for the first time but already have experience with other languages
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Mastering the Arcane Art of JavaScript-mancy for C# Developers

Mastering the Arcane Art of JavaScript-mancy for C# Developers | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

You my friend, cannot ignore JavaScript no longer, JavaScript is the most deployed language on earth, a beautiful and expressive language that supports many paradigms and which has a thriving community that continuously expands and improves its ecosystem with patterns, libraries, frameworks and tools. You don’t want to miss this train.

But JavaScript, though forgiving and specially conceived to be easy to learn, can be either daunting for us that have a strongly-typed mindset baggage and come from languages such as C# or Java or even more often laughed at as a toy.

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Craft Conference Presentations on InfoQ

Craft Conference Presentations on InfoQ | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

CRAFT is about software craftsmanship, which tools, methods, practices should be part of the toolbox of a modern developer and company, and it is a compass on new technologies, trends. You can learn from the best speakers and practitioners in our community.

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Advancing JavaScript without breaking the web

Advancing JavaScript without breaking the web | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Current advancements in ECMAScript are a great opportunity, but also a challenge for the web. Whilst adding new, important features we’re also running the danger of breaking backwards compatibility.

JavaScript doesn’t force you to write organised code. From a syntax point of view and when it comes to type safety and memory allocation it is an utter mess. This made JavaScript the success it is now. It is a language used in client environments like browsers and apps. 

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Some Thoughts on the Awesomeness of Function and Object Composition in JavaScript

Some Thoughts on the Awesomeness of Function and Object Composition in JavaScript | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In JavaScript, probably due to it’s dynamic character and sparse syntax, we can easily compose both functions and objects. We will start looking at how we can compose functions. My goal is to define a series of functions that have a single responsibility and combine them into new functions that provide a richer functionality and result in more readable, intentional, explicit, terse, reusable JavaScript code.

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A Comprehensive Story of 'this' in JavaScript

A Comprehensive Story of 'this' in JavaScript | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Variable scoping has always been a part of every programming language. Whether we are using a class based object oriented language (e.g. Java/C#) or a class-less object oriented language, scope has a very important role to play.

What scope defines?
In easiest terms, scope defines the visibility of any variable/data. In JavaScript, you can define a piece of code (function/method) globally or you can keep it within an object and expose it for public use. The keyword 'this' has a special significance when it comes to JavaScript. Other languages also use the 'this' keyword but it needs some serious attention if you are trying to use or understand it in JavaScript world.

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Planning a Front-end JS Application

Planning a Front-end JS Application | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

16 Steps.

1. verify you have a working & stable data API

2. select software management tools

3. create a foundational specification

4. select a software development process

5. select host platform & hosting service

6. select package managers

7. select site & user analytics

8. select code & style enforcement

9. select a task runner

10. select application architecture/structure

11. select testing methodologies & tools

12. select code quality/complexity tools

13. define deployment strategy

14. select package monitoring solution

15. select JS error monitoring solution

16. select performance monitoring solution

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Ocrad.js - Optical Character Recognition in Javascript

Ocrad.js - Optical Character Recognition in Javascript | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Ocrad.js is a pure-javascript version of the Ocrad project, automatically converted using Emscripten. It is a simple OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program that can convert scanned images of text back into text. 

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machina.js - finite state machines in JavaScript

machina.js - finite state machines in JavaScript | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Machina.js is a JavaScript framework for highly customizable finite state machines (FSMs). Many of the ideas for machina have been loosely inspired by the Erlang/OTP FSM behaviors.

Finite state machines offer a way to structure web client code in a very organized manner, and can make it much simpler to extend behavior for all or only key edge cases.

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10 Most Common JavaScript Mistakes

10 Most Common JavaScript Mistakes | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
JavaScript may seem simple, but it’s actually quite nuanced and complex. Many of JavaScript's subtleties lead to a number of common mistakes, 10 of which are discussed here.
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Making your JavaScript Pure

Making your JavaScript Pure | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Apply the principles of purely functional languages to your JavaScript to gain more reliable, self-documenting codebases.

Once your website or application goes past a small number of lines, it will inevitably contain bugs of some sort. This isn’t specific to JavaScript but is shared by nearly all languages—it’s very tricky, if not impossible, to thoroughly rule out the chance of any bugs in your application. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t take precautions by coding in a way that lessens our vulnerability to bugs.

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Fun with Functional JavaScript

It might be a surprise for some of you, but JavaScript can be regarded as a functional programming language. Why don't we use more functional programming concepts in our JavaScript code, then? In this talk you will learn how to start including some of them in your applications and when they might be particularly beneficial. You will also get familiar with libraries that extend the functional capabilities of JavaScript (lodash and FunctionalJS) and the upcoming ES6 features that make JavaScript even more functional.

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Loupe - Understand JavaScript's Call Stack and Event Loop

Loupe is a little visualisation to help you understand how JavaScript's call stack/event loop/callback queue interact with each other.

  • Loupe runs entirely in your browser.
  • It takes your code.
  • Runs it through esprima, a JS parser.
  • Instruments it a bunch so that loupe knows where function calls, timeouts, dom events, etc happen.
  • Adds a whole bunch of while loops everywhere to slow down the code as it runs.
  • This modified code is then turned back into JavaScript and sent to a webworker (in your browser) which runs it.
  • As it runs, the instrumentation sends messages to the visualisation about what is going on so it can animate things at the right time.
  • It also has some extra magic to make dom events, and timers work properly.

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JSCS: JavaScript Code Style checker

JSCS: JavaScript Code Style checker | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

JSCS is a code style linter for programmatically enforcing your style guide. You can configure JSCS for your project in detail using over 90 validation rules, including presets from popular style guides like jQuery, Airbnb, Google, and more.

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Rust's Ownership model for JavaScript developers

Rust's Ownership model for JavaScript developers | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Rust is an exciting new system programming language by Mozilla. In this post we explore Rust's concept of ownership that enables the language to achieve 100 % memory safety without garbage collection.

Most languages (JavaScript included) use a garbage collector to ensure memory safety.
Well then, what’s the job of a garbage collector anyway? Basically it frees up memory that isn’t used anymore, that is, memory that nothing in the program points to anymore. Traditionally languages that are not memory safe such as C and C++ delegate that work to the developer. As we all know humans aren’t free from failure and so here are some examples of problems that may arise with manual memory management
access to memory that has already been freed
trying to free memory that has already been freed (double free)
not freeing memory at all that rather should have been freed (memory leak)

Rust doesn’t use a garbage collector while still being 100 % memory safe. So how does that work and how does it affect the way we write our code?

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Things Every Javascript Developer Should Know

Things Every Javascript Developer Should Know | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Javascript is an ever-growing language, especially now that releases for ECMAScript specifications now operate on a yearly release schedule. As such the importance of needing to know Javascript beyond just jQuery becomes even more important as the language grows in scope and quite quickly.


  • How to FizzBuzz
  • The difference between == and ===
  • How to query the DOM without a 3rd party library
  • Hoisting
  • How to use browser developer tools
  • Console commands
  • Know what this is
  • ‘use strict’;
  • How to write various types of loops
  • Basic methods & tasks
  • Difference between Call and Apply
  • Familiarity with frameworks/libraries
  • Node.js
  • Testing
  • Tooling
  • ECMAScript 6 aka ES6 aka ESNext
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MetaES introduction

MetaES introduction | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

MetaES is a metacircular interpreter written in JavaScript at EcmaScript 5.1 standard, so it can run on pretty any environment that supports ES5, for example modern browsers (both with mobile), nodejs, rhino, nashorn and other ECMAScript interpreters. 
For parsing JavaScript it uses esprima.

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If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript: Explained.

If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript: Explained. | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

I wrote a book called If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript in which I imagine 25 famous novelists, poets and playwrights solving simple problems in JavaScript. It’s part homage to my favorite writers and part love letter to JavaScript, the only language I know with enough freedom, creative potential and downright quirkiness to pique the interest of the literary greats.

This post contains original material that’s not in the book (think of it as one of those “behind the scenes” bonus features). It’s the first in a series of deep technical dives into each author’s solution. Some solutions require more explanation than others.


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Planning A Front-end JavaScript Application

Planning A Front-end JavaScript Application | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Planning a front-end web application is about more than just picking a few JavaScript solutions to aid in the architecture and testing of a web application. While this might be where much of the front-end community focuses, seasoned developers know that building enterprise-grade software is much more than this.

In this article, I am going to describe 16 steps that front-end developers should go through when planning a front-end web application. These steps aim to cover the entire life-cycle of a front-end application. However, before diving in, I need to clarify a few front-end terms that remain unsettled in the industry.

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MaskJS | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

MaskJS — is a markup | template | HMVC engine for modern and fast web(Browser), server(NodeJS) or mobile(PhoneGap) applications. Component-based architecture simplifies defining, implementing and composing loosely coupled independent elements into a single application.

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Eloquent JavaScript - a free book about JavaScript, programming, and the wonders of the digital.

Eloquent JavaScript - a free book about JavaScript, programming, and the wonders of the digital. | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |


* Introduction
* Values, Types, and Operators
* Program Structure
* Functions
* Data Structures: Objects and Arrays
* Higher-order Functions
* The Secret Life of Objects
* Project: Electronic Life
* Bugs and Error Handling
* Regular Expressions
* Modules
* Project: A Programming Language
* JavaScript and the Browser
* The Document Object Model
* Handling Events
* Project: A Platform Game
* Drawing on Canvas
* Forms and Form Fields
* Project: A Paint Program
* Node.js
* Project: Skill-Sharing Website

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A JavaScript survival guide

A JavaScript survival guide | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Are you a programmer who is considering learning JavaScript, but unsure whether it is worth the pain? Then this blog post is for you: I argue that it is worth it and give tips for surviving the language.


  • Why learn JavaScript?
  • Take your time to get to know JavaScript
  • JavaScript’s power
  • How to survive JavaScript?
  • Further reading
  • References

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