JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
Keeping track of current JavaScript Frameworks that help design your clientside Business Logic Layers.
Curated by Jan Hesse
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How to build the SPA for enterprise application using Angular2 and ASP.Net WebApi

How to build the SPA for enterprise application using Angular2 and ASP.Net WebApi | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Some highlight technologies:

  • Angular2 (typescript)
  • WebApi (RESTful)
  • Entity Framework
  • Bootstrap
  • IoC
  • Multi-Layer architecture
  • Modular your Application
  • Multi Languages
  • Design Pattern (Unit Of Work, Repository, …)
  • SOLID principle
  • Gulp
  • NodeJs
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Tiraggo.js - JavaScript ORM that Leverages Knockout

Tiraggo.js - JavaScript ORM that Leverages Knockout | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

* Built upon Knockout and the MVVM Model
* All class properties are ko.observables and collections classes are ko.observableArrays
* Only 17k minimized
* Supports MS SQL Server, Azure, SQL CE, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite
* Supports WCF JSON Service and RESTFUL API's
* Supports Full Hierarchical Data Models
* Hierarchical Model Supports Lazy Loading (See video below)
* All saves take place within transactions, including complex hierarchcial saves
* Two Providers, either pure XHR or JQuery Ajax (you choose which one you want to use)
* Tracks Row Level and Column Level Dirty State
* Tracks Original Values so Edits can be Cancelled via RejectChanges
* Generic - Can be used with any ORM or Database Backend

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CRUD Grid Using AngularJS, WebAPI, Entity Framework (EF), Bootstrap in C#, HTML for Visual Studio 2013

CRUD Grid Using AngularJS, WebAPI, Entity Framework (EF), Bootstrap in C#, HTML for Visual Studio 2013 | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Here’s how I built a quick single entity CRUD grid with AngularJS, WebAPI, Entity Framework, Bootstrap, Font Awesome & Toastr. I spent a more time than I should have getting this all wired up, so I thought I’d share the code to save you some time.

As you can see, the CRUD Grid loads data from EF and Works with sort by columns, is easy to ADD, UPDATE, DELETE new registries.

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End to end web app in under an hour

End to end web app in under an hour | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Here’s how to create a complete web app in under an hour. We will (naturally!) create a todo app. The features:
* Create, update, delete a todo
* Sort (and show sort order)
* Search
* Pagination

We’ll try to make it somewhat user friendly, e.g.
* Date-picker widget for todo due date
* Enable/disable buttons as appropriate for context

Our infrastructure will be:
* Backend Language: C#
* Backend Framework: WebApi
* Database: SQL Server (including SQL Express LocalDB during development)
* ORM: Entity Framework Code First + Migrations
* Frontend Framework: AngularJS
* CSS styles: Bootstrap
* IDE: Visual Studio + Resharper
* Hosting: Appharbor

As you’ll see, this particular choice of tools is well suited to rapid application development, and is also very flexible.
The goal is not just to throw together the minimal necessary to have something working, but to create a really flexible infrastructure that we can use as a foundation for many future applications. OK, let’s get started.

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SQL, EF, OData - One Sweet Stack

Last Saturday at the Seattle Code Camp I delivered a presentation I called One Sweet Stack which showed how to start with a SQL Azure database (though it would work with any relational database really), connect to it using Entity Framework, and extend it as OData with WCF Data Services.

I chose this stack because…

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HTML Table Pagination using Knockout JS and ASP.NET Web API

HTML Table Pagination using Knockout JS and ASP.NET Web API | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Use Knockout JS, ASP.NET Web API and ADO.NET Entity Framework to enable pagination in a HTML Table

The question that arises is in what kind of scenarios can we use Knockout JS? Lets’ consider that an HTML page is to be created which makes a call to an external service (WCF Service/Web Service or ASP.NET WEB API) for fetching data and once the data is loaded in the HTML element (e.g. table), pagination is to be implemented. Now this can be done using any JavaScript library like jQuery. However there are some challenges to be thought of like how does the UI update when the underlying data model changes, how to store data on the client side which responds to the change notification for pagination (move previous, next etc.) and calls some logic. Another challenge could be how each user may display different number of rows initially when the page is loaded e.g. (4 rows/ 8 rows etc) and so on. Although these challenges can be coded with libraries like jQuery, it becomes easier if we choose a library that provides binding between UI and data model and has in-built change notification capability.

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Introduction to Knockout.js and CRUD Operations in ASP.Net Web Forms Using Knockout.JS

Introduction to Knockout.js and CRUD Operations in ASP.Net Web Forms Using Knockout.JS | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
This article is an introduction to Knockout.js and CRUD Operations in ASP.NET Web Forms using Knockout.JS.

The development paradigm has been changing rapidly for a last few years. The out of the box technologies have been introduced to develop applications with fast, scalable, extensible structure, easy to maintain and easy to use. Knockout.JS is also one of the examples of such emerging technologies. I take an opportunity to explain the concept and topic my way.

Jan Hesse's insight:


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Developing, Architecting and Testing Web Applications with MVC5, Web API 2, KnockoutJS, Ninject and NUnit

Developing, Architecting and Testing Web Applications with MVC5, Web API 2, KnockoutJS, Ninject and NUnit | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

The goal of this article is to walk through a sample Customer Maintenance web application that implements the latest technology from the Microsoft stack, including the latest beta versions of Microsoft .NET 4.5.1, Visual Studio Express 2013, MVC5, WebAPI 2 and Entity Framework 6. 

Throughout this article various design patterns and techniques will be implemented to help foster a loosely coupleddesign that promotes the Separation of Concerns (SoC) through the various layers of an n-tier web application. Overall the implementation of this sample application is a variation of my previous Code Project article MVC Techniques with jQuery, JSON, Knockout, and C#. 

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DataTable using SignalR+AngularJS+EntityFramework

DataTable using SignalR+AngularJS+EntityFramework | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

SignalR brought developers an easier way to build real-time, very responsive web applications. But, how does it play with other available technologies? I took a couple of days to implement a very common scenario needed in every Enterprise Application: A DataTable to do CRUD operations persisting changes on a database.

My initial thought was this is going to be a trivial task, I have done DataTables a few times in the past. Then, I realized the real-time model with many concurrent users introduces a few challenges.

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