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Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education
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Curated by Alfredo Corell
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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from 21st Century Learning and Teaching!

A Comprehensive Checklist of The 21st Century Learning and Work Skills

A Comprehensive Checklist of The 21st Century Learning and Work Skills | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

A Comprehensive Checklist of The 21st Century Learning and Work Skills.

Learn more:

Via Gust MEES
Alfredo Corell's insight:

The University of Toledo have developed this exhaustive checklist about skills of our century (some importants like digital citizienship are also missing)

Have a look and also in this link and also finde some explanations about 9 selected skills

Scooped by Alfredo Corell!

10 Competencies Students Need to Thrive in The Future

10 Competencies Students Need to Thrive in The Future | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
Alfredo Corell's insight:

Ten skills for the future workforceExtracted from

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by Cristina Sánchez Romero (UNED) y Almudena Castellanos Sánchez (Universidad Internacional de la Rioja)

Alfredo Corell's insight:




La investigación que presentamos tiene el objetivo de analizar las competencias profesionales del tutor virtual necesarias para desenvolverse con las tecnologías emergentes en espacios de formación on-line. La metodología de investigación de carácter descriptivo desarrollada con un cuestionario en formato digital recoge las habilidades y destrezas que se esperan de este grupo profesional. Entre los resultados destaca la necesidad de planificación formativa que capacite al tutor en el manejo y aprovechamiento didáctico de las mismas.

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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from Learning & Technology News!

Framework for 21st Century Learning - The Partnership for 21st Century Skills

Framework for 21st Century Learning - The Partnership for 21st Century Skills | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

The Framework presents a holistic view of 21st century teaching and learning that combines a discrete focus on 21st century student outcomes (a blending of specific skills, content knowledge, expertise and literacies) with innovative support systems to help students master the multi-dimensional abilities required of them in the 21st century.

Via Nik Peachey
Alfredo Corell's insight:

Twenty-first century standards, assessments, curriculum, instruction, professional development and learning environments must be aligned to produce a supportsystem that produces 21st century outcomes for today’s students.

Nalya Ovshieva's comment, June 27, 2013 6:04 AM
The overview of 21st Century Learning focuses on student mastery of 21st century skills indispensable to succeeding in work and life in the 21st century.
Ness Crouch's curator insight, July 4, 2013 5:48 PM

This is an excellent summary of 21st Century learning!

Selin Gelinci's curator insight, October 31, 2013 11:40 AM

This is a useful resource as  it explores further into the framework for the 21st century learning. It combines a discrete focus on the outcomes, specific skillsa and content knowledge that should be gained through the learning program. The diagram helps understanding further into the support system and how it all collaborates. This is benefical to me as a future teacher as it gives me a clear understanding of how i can manage my time effectively and make sure i am always covering aspects that are relevant to the 21st century learning.

Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from Web 2.0 for juandoming!

Trabajar y evaluar las competencias en el aula

Ideas para trabajar y evaluar las competencias en el aula

Via Álvaro Pascual Sanz, juandoming
Alfredo Corell's insight:

Es el momento de las competencias...

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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from LabTIC - Tecnología y Educación!

Informe Educación en el mundo UNESCO 2012

■ Objetivo 1: Las mejoras en el ámbito de la atención y educación de la primera infancia han
sido demasiado lentas. En 2008, aproximadamente el 28% aproximadamente de los niños
de menos de cinco años padecían de retraso en el crecimiento, y menos de la mitad de los
niños del mundo recibían una enseñanza preescolar.
■ Objetivo 2: Los progresos encaminados a hacer realidad la enseñanza primaria universal
están perdiendo impulso. En 2010 seguía habiendo 61 millones de niños sin escolarizar en
el mundo. De 100 niños no escolarizados, se estima que 47 no lo estarán nunca.
■ Objetivo 3: Muchos jóvenes no disponen de competencias básicas. En 123 países de bajos
ingresos o ingresos medianos bajos, unos 200 millones de jóvenes que tienen entre 15 y 24
años ni siquiera han logrado terminar sus estudios primarios, lo que representa un joven de
cada cinco.
■ Objetivo 4: La alfabetización de los adultos sigue siendo un objetivo difícil de alcanzar.
El número de adultos analfabetos ha experimentado una disminución de solo un 12%
entre 1990 y 2010. En 2010, unos 775 millones de adultos eran analfabetos, siendo las dos
terceras partes mujeres.
■ Objetivo 5: Las disparidades entre varones y niñas cobran formas muy diversas. En 2010,
había todavía diecisiete países con menos de nueve niñas por diez varones en la enseñanza
primaria. En más de la mitad de los 96 países que no han logrado la paridad entre los sexos
en la enseñanza secundaria, los varones están en situación de inferioridad.
■ Objetivo 6: La desigualdad en materia de resultados del aprendizaje sigue siendo muy
marcada a escala mundial. Asciende a nada menos que 250 millones el número de niños
que podrían llegar al cuarto grado sin ser capaces de leer o de escribir.6

Via manuel area, Diana de Iriondo, Labtic.Unipe
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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from Digital Presentations in Education!

Simple and straightforward Presentation skills - a quick view

A quick review on presentations skills.

Takes a few minutes to read, and revisits all minimum skills needed to have a successful presentation.

By Omar Hussein, Mohamend Sahl and Youssef Ahmed

Via Baiba Svenca
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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from Pedalogica: educación y TIC!

5 Skills for Blended-Learning Teachers

5 Skills for Blended-Learning Teachers | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
In the seventh installment of their monthly column, blended learning experts Michael B. Horn and Heather Staker outline the five skills that will increasingly be important for many teachers in the future.

As more schools adopt blended-learning models, the role of the teacher is shifting. As a result, teachers need different skills to be successful.

Although it is hard to generalize across the landscape of blended learning because of the rapid pace of innovation in the models, the differences between the models, and the continued changes in technology, there are five common skills that teachers will likely need to be successful in a blended-learning environment.

Via Ana Cristina Pratas, Alazne González
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Scooped by Alfredo Corell!

Top 8 Competencies of a Mobile Learning Designer

Top 8 Competencies of a Mobile Learning Designer | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
Mobile learning is one of the major revolutions happening around us that demands a shift in the mere thinking of 'learning'. It requires us to unlearn and relearn some of the traditional notions such as learners' attention span, ...
Alfredo Corell's insight:

Mobile learning is one such major revolution that demands a shift in the mere thinking of ‘learning’. It requires us to unlearn and relearn the traditional notions of:

  • Learners’ attention span (Short)
  • Learning style/preference (Ubiquitous)
  • New (additional) dimensions to learning (Context)
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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from 21st Century Learning and Teaching!

The 22 Digital Skills Every 21st Century Teacher Must Have

The 22 Digital Skills Every 21st Century Teacher Must Have | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

Via Gust MEES
Alfredo Corell's insight:


Hannah Kramer's curator insight, January 26, 2014 3:23 AM

If you don't have any digital skills, you can learn. Weteach-it offers courses in Computer Literacy. Visit for details.

Ascensión Lastres's curator insight, November 18, 2015 3:02 PM


Jimena Acebes Sevilla's curator insight, May 27, 2016 11:06 PM
22 competencias digitales y herramientas para llevarlas a cabo.
Scooped by Alfredo Corell!

The 7 Skills Students Must Have For The Future - Edudemic

The 7 Skills Students Must Have For The Future - Edudemic | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
A powerful talk by Tony Wagner attempts to uncover the 7 skills students must have in order to prepared for the future.
Alfredo Corell's insight:
Critical thinking and problem-solvingCollaboration across networks and leading by influenceAgility and adaptabilityInitiative and entrepreneurialismEffective oral and written communicationAccessing and analyzing informationCuriosity and imagination
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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from!

6 competencias pedagógicas para gestionar una clase online basándose en el Conectivismo

6 competencias pedagógicas para gestionar una clase online basándose en el Conectivismo | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |
6 competencias pedagógicas para gestionar una clase online basándose en el conectivismo

Via Edumorfosis
Alfredo Corell's insight:
SEIS HABILIDADES PARA PEDAGOGOS/AS CONECTIVISTAS 1. Competencias técnicas: participar de manera activa en las nuevas tecnologías educativas. El uso de cualquier herramienta requiera una combinación de conocimientos técnicos y sus oportunidades pedagógicas. 2. Experimentación: debemos utilizar indistintamente las diferentes herramientas y variar los métodos de enseñanza. Los/las educadores/as deben estar constantemente adquiriendo información sobre nuevas tecnologías y refinando la manera en que transmiten el conocimiento a sus alumnos, para mejorarlo. 3. Autonomía: debemos proporcionar a los/las alumnos/as un espacio de aprendizaje autónomo. Todo/a estudiante tiene que experimentar y necesita para ello explorar, participar y definir su propio aprendizaje. 4. Creación: los/las estudiantes deben ser participativos/as para fomentar el aprendiazaje activo. La creación permite implementar las ideas y crear actividades. 5. Juego: el juego permite explotar grandes ideas. No pongas límites a la imaginación. 6. Desarrollo de capacidades complejas: adapta los contextos a las situaciones.
Juan Carlos Palomino's comment, June 17, 2013 5:16 AM
Me ha gustado mucho, me lo quedo. Gracias por compartir.
Luz Dibia Velasquez Nieto's comment, July 31, 2013 4:43 PM
muy interesante
EduClick_España's curator insight, December 9, 2014 8:20 AM

Seguimos recomendando la lecura de esta genial entrada de nuestros compañeros de Escuela 2.0, con su correspondiente extracto: "Uno de los desafíos más relevantes en estos tiempos de cambio según Sam Gist, consultor de servicios académicos, es el descenso de las aulas físicas, en las que se imparten los conocimientos de manera tradicional, y las cuales están siendo sustituidas en la sociedad actual por las aulas digitales, algo posible gracias al conectivismo y la información que nos ofrecen las páginas Web y nuevas tecnologías." ¿A qué esperas para leerlo todo? ;)

Scooped by Alfredo Corell!

Trabajando a través de Proyectos - estudiantes competentes

Reflexión sobre cómo trabajamos en el aula. Sugerencias para trabajar a través de Proyectos. Recursos para llevar directamente a la clase.
Alfredo Corell's insight:

Otra presentación reciente de ana Basterra, que aclara ideas en competencias, y motiva al aprendizaje basado en proyectos

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Scooped by Alfredo Corell!

Consultation on "Opening up Education – a proposal for a European Initiative to enhance education

Consultation on "Opening up Education – a proposal for a European Initiative to enhance education | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

Consultation on "Opening up Education – a proposal for a European Initiative to enhance education and skills development through new technologies"


Public Consultation on "Opening up Education – a proposal for a European Initiative to enhance education and skills development through new technologies"

Policy fields


Target groups

All stakeholders affected by education and training policies and systems, including school education, vocational education and training, higher education and adult education. Contributions are expected from public authorities, organisations and citizens.

Period of consultation

From 13 August 2012 to 13 November 2012

Objective of the consultation

The objective of the consultation is to explore the perceived need - mainly but not exclusively among education and training stakeholders – for EU action to promote the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) and of ICT in education.

New technologies, in particular the internet, together with globalisation and the emergence of new education providers, are radically changing the way people learn and teach. Open access to education resources offers an unprecedented opportunity to enhance both excellence and equity in education. The EU aims to help both individual learners and education and training institutions in Member States to benefit from these opportunities and to increase their contribution to society.

In the last quarter of 2012, the Commission will present a Communication on Rethinking Skills aiming to increase the quantity, quality and relevance of skills supply for higher economic and social outcomes. This will, among other actions, announce a new EU Initiative on "Opening up Education": a proposal to exploit the potential contribution of ICTs and Open Educational Resources (OER) to education and skills development. This new EU initiative on "Opening up Education" will be the topic of a subsequent Communication in mid-2013.


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Scooped by Alfredo Corell!

Youth and skills: putting education to work, EFA global monitoring report, 2012; 2012

Youth and skills: putting education to work, EFA global monitoring report, 2012; 2012 | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

Los Jóvenes y las competencias: trabajar con la educación, informe de seguimiento de la EPT en el mundo, 2012
Imprint: Paris, UNESCO, 2012


In spanish:


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Rescooped by Alfredo Corell from El rincón de la convergencia!

Casi 100 actividades para desarrollar la competencia digital en el aula.

Casi 100 actividades para desarrollar la competencia digital en el aula. | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

Resultado de un proyecto colaborativo que surgió del TAAC “La competencia digital en el aula”, organizado por el ITE del Ministerio de Educación de España.

Busca la recopilación de actividades (no herramientas) que sirvan para desarrollar la competencia digital del alumnado: actividades en las que estos tengan que buscar y seleccionar información, transformar la información en conocimiento, crear, presentar, publicar, comunicarse, colaborar… utilizando las TIC.

Via Teresa Torné, Paz Gonzalo, Juan José Sánchez Campos
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