Zap! Pow! Snap! "WonderWomen" at the Katherine Nash Gallery | Herstory |

She has superhuman strength, her wounds heal instantly and her collection of weaponry includes the Lasso of Truth and a razor-sharp tiara to throw at her enemies. Who wouldn't like to be Wonder Woman, at least occasionally? Okay, the bustier, tight blue panties, and high-heeled boots might be a little uncomfortable, but her contradictory qualities - part super hero, part pinup girl - have mesmerized us since she came on the scene in 1941.


No wonder the enduring pop culture icon makes a great focal point for a group exhibition at the University of Minnesota's Katherine E. Nash Gallery entitled "WonderWomen." Co-sponsored by the University of Minnesota, the Minneapolis College of Art and Design and the Film Society of Minneapolis St. Paul, the show features work by women artists from around the world who are inspired or influenced by comics, animation or popular culture.

Via Caroline Claeys, Deanna Dahlsad