Ecom Revolution
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Visualizing Data
Inside every big data stack is a secret, a secret capable of helping your web marketing IF you find it. Our new Curagami Ecommerce Master Class discusses how to cut a mound of mud into meaninful patterns.

Steps are easy:

1. Start with clean data.

2. Start categorizing.
3. Sort by your categories.

4. Cut your detail out (remember to replace functions with numbers).
5. Graph your broad strokes.

We fly through how to create patterns in this 3 min video. If  you ae stuck or confused email martin(at)

Good luck and make sure your weed whacker is working.

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How did we made more than $30M in online commerce? Watch our first Ecommerce Master Class Video & to learn about directed search wins hearts, minds and loyalty. Can watching a 2 minute video really make millions? Worked for us :). M!
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Scoop it Creator

Martin (Marty) Smith