Ecom Revolution
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Phantom Revenue
Secrets To Recover E-Commerce Revenue is a free webinar on Tuesday, March 29th with experts from Curagami, Exinent and eBound Hosting.

Want to discover your ghost in the machine? Join us!!
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Curagami Customer Hunt on LinkedIn
Curagami is half app development company and half search marketing agency. We've helped e-commerce and B2B relationship sellers create content, strategies and tactics to win hearts, minds and loyalty online.

We manage content, social media and strategy for 2 to 4 customers a year. We currently have one possibly two openings. We say one possibly two because we never know how much time a client will need to achieve their online marketing goals.

If you need help or know someone who does use our Curagami Customer Hunt form at the bottom of this post to share your story:!
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Holiday E-commerce Trends Infographic shares trends in free shipping, gamification, mobile, cause and loyalty marketing we've watched for years including:

* Free Shiping
* Smartphones & Mobile
* Gamification & Loyalty
* Cause Marketing

* Ask for Help

More on Curgami!
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Ecommerce Tips Magazine
How did we make over $35M in online ecommerce? Sure we tell you then you tell five people and before you know it everyone knows our secrets (cool with us). That's why we will be sharing our favorite ecommerce tips every day next week at  

Be there or don't make as much money this holiday selling season as you could.!
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Cure Cancer Now Store
We just added a link to our Cure Cancer Now store on Zazzle to our Curagami Woocommerce enabled (but not quite all done) bog: 

You Can See the Cure Cancer Now Zazzle Store here 

 Remember when we discussed the future of ecommerce would be a symphony of feeds. Adding the Cure Cancer Now "store", all products printed at and by Zazzle with our art, is an example of the matrixed future ahead. 

Here is our Future of Ecommerce Symphony of Feeds post!
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New SEO Looks Like Old SEO
Thanks to David Kutcher we've embarked on a 3 part journey. Our goal is to show how and why the "NEW SEO" is beginning to look a lot like the OLD SEO.  Our journey has three parts that all start here:

 After that we move to:

* Brands ( )
* Love (coming soon)

* Community  (coming soon)

I'm in Columbus at Ohio State for my year anniversary of being treated by the great Doc Byrd. Will finish Why The NEW SEO is Looking Like The OLD SEO when I get home.

In the meantime BRANDS is live.!
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Learning Ecom
There are some Internet marketing lessons you can only learn if you sell something. Amazon makes it so easy to add a bookstore to your site every site should have one...if only because there are some things about web marketing you can only learn by selling online.

Curagami's New Amazon Power Bookstore:!
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Vote For Your Favorite Sites
Everyone has a favorite online store AND most want online retailing to improve. Curagami is in the "improve ecommerce" business, but we can't create change alone. We need your help. 

Please take a few minutes and tell us what online stores you love and why. Oh, and bet we missed some cool, great and wonderful stores so let us know who we missed and we will add your faves into our survey.

Together we can improve online commerce :). Thanks, Marty & Team Curagami!
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How did we made more than $30M in online commerce? Watch our first Ecommerce Master Class Video & to learn about directed search wins hearts, minds and loyalty. Can watching a 2 minute video really make millions? Worked for us :). M!
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Two years ago, we published a two-part post on social media marketing safety with Internet marketer, curator, cancer survivor, entrepreneur and Friend of, Marty Smith.

Well, guess what? Marty is back. And this time, he will share his journey and thoughts on entrepreneurship, e-commerce, social media and how his battle against cancer has shaped his thinking.!
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Why Ambassadors Are CSFs
If you don't have an Ambassador Program you need one. Ambassadors are brand advocates who want to JOIN your brand. Remember Faith Popcorn's quote?

People don't BUY brands they JOIN them.

At our marketing tools startup Curagami we are learning why the creation of an Ambassador Program right from the start of a website's life is so critical. This link shares success one of our clients, is having with their Ambassador program.!
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Bad links can kill your website's hard-won authority, reputation & traffic. Use Google's disavow tool to protect your site's traffic from SEO bandits.!
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Crowdfunding is a new powerful marketing channel similar to what email marketing used to be - high profit, low cost with big social and UGC benefits.

Martin (Marty) Smith:

add your insight...!
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Zazzle, Cafe Press, Etsy and Sara Harvey show how ecommerce's social future is about collaboration, empowering and sharing. Does your store do that?

Martin (Marty) Smith:

add your insight...!
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If you've been looking for a perfect web template for an on-line retail business you came to the right place, because today I'm gonna show you 16 of the newest and coolest e-commerce website templates.

Martin (Marty) Smith:

For some reason ecommerce templates have not kept up with content marketing templates in quality, variety or availability. We are thinking of creating one at our startup Curagami ( ) for just that reason (that we can't find good ones), but here are 16 new ones and some aren't horrible (lol). Our fav = ZenCart because we like CTAs next to heroes.!
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I just received an email from a woman who had a bad experience with a photographer in Myrtle Beach, SC and left him a 2 star review. He is now threatening… - Martin W. Smith - Google+

Martin (Marty) Smith:

Phil Buckley shared a post about how NOT to react to negative reviews. Reminded me of writing 5 Safety Tips for Social Media for @Kelly Hungerford and the blog:

Got good to me so Kelly was nice enough to let me split an impossibly long post into two parts:

The post is linked to G+ where we are having an interesting conversation about how negative online is really positive.!
Kelly Hungerford's comment, July 24, 2014 2:37 PM
That was and still is one of our best performing posts Marty. Your analogies and tips are as relevant today as they were back in 2012.
Kelly Hungerford's comment, July 24, 2014 2:39 PM
That went too quickly! I wanted to continue by saying that indeed negative can be positive. There are numerous opportunities to be seized when the going gets tough and we should welcome those as much as the positive. Thanks Marty!
Discover the hashtag tracking tools you need to make it easy to create, manage, track and report on social media hashtag campaigns.

Marty Note
I've always felt the #hashtag is a vastly underexploited secret weapon. One reason hashtags have been under exploited for their intense #BI (Business Intelligence) value is tools to easily understand them were lacking.

Not so much anymore as this Social Media Examiner post shares.

Why are hasthags secret weapons? Hashtags are and will always be too "quanty" to become mainstream. No matter how good the tool set you still have to have a math / model geek to help marketers understand implications and form actions.

Imagine a model that understands existing benchmarks well enough to drive a push notification when a tag (and thereby the underlying content) is trending (i.e. its change delta is above some set number). What is the value of being first to surf that social wave?

Could be millions

Problem is wave knowledge rests with the Quants while surfing knowledge rests with marketers. You would think that is a needs based marriage made in heaven.

Not so much since marketers don't know what they don't know and so can't ask and wave smart quants know WAVES not how to merchandise the wave into MONEY.

Trust that our Startup Factory Funded startup Curagami is thinking about how to introduce wave smart quants to ecommerce surfing merchants ( :). M!
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Scoop it Creator

Martin (Marty) Smith