How to Focus Your Marketing Efforts Through ToFu, MoFu and BoFu Stages - Act-On | digital marketing strategy |
ToFu – Top of Funnel: Provide Education
Leads in this stage are most likely to be engaged with:
Paid advertising
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Social media marketing
Remember, your goal during the ToFu stage is NOT to sell – it’s simply to educate.

MoFu – Middle of Funnel: Position Your Organization
The MoFu stage is an excellent time to nurture your leads with:

BoFu – Bottom of Funnel: Converting Leads into Customers
A lead should only be considered BoFu once they have shown considerable interest in your product or service. These leads have interacted significantly with your marketing efforts, and are (usually) ready to be contacted by your sales team. Ideally, these leads have also been deemed to be a good fit for your organization; they resemble your ideal customer profile, or they have similar characteristics of your high-performing customers.

Via Joemktg