Confirmation published that NSA Hacked French President’s House 4 years ago | Digital Sovereignty & Cyber Security |

French newspaper “Le Monde” just published an article confirming that the US/NSA indeed hacked the Élysée Palace in 2012.

‘Quantum Insert’ has been used to hack the machines. This type of attacks was used in the GCHQ/NSA operation against employees of the Belgian telecom Belgacom (renamed Proximus today).


The malware was detected in May 2012 — between the two rounds of the Presidential election — and the help of the Technical Division of the DGSE was requested.

Bernard Barbier — the Director of the DGSE Technical Division from 2006 to 2013 — came to the conclusion that the US/NSA was behind the hack.


The fact that the NSA spies on the French President has shocked a few people but Barbier is not too surprised.

“In the Intelligence World, you have some allies. You don’t have friends.”