25 Shocking Predictions about the Coming Driverless Car Era in the U.S. | cross pond high tech | Scoop.it

Here is the list of 25 unusual predictions developed in this great post. They state that in the US : 


  1. Life expectancy of autonomous vehicles will be less than 1 year
  2. One Autonomous Car will Replace 30 Traditional Cars
  3. Less than 4 million autonomous cars will replace 50% of all commuter traffic in the U.S.
  4. Fleet owners will become the primary influencers on the design of new cars
  5. Driverless cars will be electric vehicles
  6. Electric vehicle range will exceed 1,000 miles per charge by 2027
  7. Noise levels in cities will be cut in half
  8. 80% of driverless cars will be one-passenger vehicles
  9. 40% of sales tax will disappear
  10. Over 10% of retail businesses will disappear
  11. Police departments will shrink by 80%
  12. U.S. will lose over $35 billion/year from gas taxes
  13. New York City will lose over $2 billion per year in traffic fines
  14. 41% of airport revenues will disappear
  15. Cities will lose over 50% of their revenue
  16. Healthcare industry will lose over $500 billion per year
  17. There will be 700,000 fewer stolen vehicles per year
  18. Auto insurance industry will lose over $150 billion a year
  19. Location no longer matters
  20. Remodeling garages in people’s homes will soon become a thriving industry
  21. Over 5 million acres of parking lots will suddenly come available for redevelopment
  22. Overall transportation costs will shrink by 50%
  23. Car ownership will soon become a very expensive hobby
  24. Overcrowding will officially come to an end
  25. Driverless technologies will cause 1 in 4 jobs to disappear