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Rescooped by Philippe J DEWOST from pixels and pictures!

With Computational Photography, 95% of what you shoot is no longer captured but generated

With Computational Photography, 95% of what you shoot is no longer captured but generated | cross pond high tech |

Capturing light is becoming a thing of the past : with computational photography it is now eclipsed by processing pixels.
iPhone 11 and its « Deep Fusion » mode leave no doubt that photography is now software and that software is also eating cameras.

Philippe J DEWOST's insight:

Software is eating the world, and yesterday's Apple keynote shows that cameras are in the menu.

Philippe J DEWOST's curator insight, September 11, 2019 5:52 AM

Software is eating the world, and yesterday's Apple keynote shows that cameras are in the menu.

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iPhone X: The Demo Gods Are Cheeky

iPhone X: The Demo Gods Are Cheeky | cross pond high tech |

The latest Apple product unveiling, with its overly-reported Face ID glitch, reminds us that the demo isn’t the product. That can be good or bad.

It’s Full Moon over Cupertino. iPhone X specs leaks ahead of the official presentation and kommentariat inmates howl in their cages. This isn’t new, we’ve long known how psychotoxic Apple products can be, but the phenomenon seems to be reaching a new paroxysm. A few choice examples, starting with the grand prize [no links, no feeding the master baiters]:

The iPhone X proves the Unabomber was right
Steve Jobs gave us President Trump
Apple’s Face ID Could Be A Powerful Tool For Mass Spying

But let’s not lament these and many similar howlers. For Apple, they have a positive side: They attest to the power of the brand, to the magnetism of its products. Well…most of them. I maintain a list of Apple products that remain unmagnetized and fantasize that someday I’ll have a quiet conversation with the DRIs (“Direct Responsible Individual” in Apple’s parlance) in charge of these warts.

But we’ll leave the somber jeremiad for a different day.

The sun is out here in Paris; tomorrow I head to Vézelay and the start of a two day walk along the Camino de Santiago (the pélerinage de Compostelle as it’s known here). So, let’s have fun with Craig Federighi’s iPhone X FaceID demo glitch and, more generally, with the Demo genre. (The full two-hour September 12th keynote video is here.)

Craig Federighi, Apple’s Senior VP of Software Engineering — affectionately known as Hair Force One — is an infectiously happy, eager demo-meister. But the demo gods challenged Federighi’s disposition and caused his first attempt to unlock the iPhone X with his face to fail, leaving him staring at the standard unlock code screen.

Fortunately, a back-up phone was at hand — a testament to Federighi’s lack of faith in his own work, or to years of demo hiccups. The stand-in phone worked as expected, and the demo proceeded without further divine retribution.

Philippe J DEWOST's insight:

Key Notes on Apple Keynotes

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Liste des intervenants à l'USI 2015

Liste des intervenants à l'USI 2015 | cross pond high tech |

Aaron Dignan The Responsive Organization

John Hagel

Yann LeCun Director of AI Research Facebook

Rafi Haladjian Scénarios alternatifs pour l'internet des objets

Philippe Dewost Open Compute

Mike Monteiro How Designer's Destroyed the World

Georges Nahon Trends in Silicon Valley

Mark Horstman Tout ce que l'on vous a appris sur le Management est faux

Anne Pascual Designing for the unexpected

Cédric Villani Pour faire naître une idée

Salim Ismail Exponential Organizations

Gabriel McIntyre Harness the Power of Play

Jamie Anderson Creative Thinking

Michael Harte Digital transformation in banking

Mark Randall Passion + Purpose = Innovation

Erika Hall Au delà de toute mesure

Hilary Mason Innovating through Data

Jürgen Appelo Manage Yourself!

Christian Monjou De l'intérêt de déchiffrer des tableaux: un exercice pratique

Raffaello D'Andrea Systèmes Cyber-Physiques, Objets Connectés, feedback omniprésent: Pour le meilleur et pour le pire

Axelle Lemaire Secrétaire d'Etat chargée du Numérique Ministère de l’Economie, de l'Industrie et du Numérique

Chris Anderson From Maker Movement to Industrial Revolution

Adrian Cockroft Systems for Innovation

Gilles Babinet Transformation digitale des entreprises

Chris Skinner The future of money, trade and finance

Yann Moulier-Boutang Régime de la propriété dans le capitalisme cognitif

Philippe Gabilliet Pourquoi la chance sourit-elle aux audacieux ?

Yves Pigneur Créer une proposition de valeur attrayante dans un business model innovant

Henri Verdier Politique de la donnée

Dana Chisnell Designing Democracy: Modernizing the citizen experience

Mikko Hyppönen Securing Our Future

Peter Norvig Deploying machine learning applications in the Enterprise

Ludovic Cinquin De l’entreprise digitale à l’entreprise libérée

Carlos Moreno De la « Ville Numérique » à la « Ville Vivante »

Jared Spool Building a Winning UX Strategy Using the Kano Model

Yves Morieux Smart Simplicity

Christian Fauré Comment éviter de se faire court-circuiter par le digital ?

Yann Arthus-Bertrand Human

Philippe J DEWOST's insight:

Impressionné de faire partie de la liste des speakers de l'USI 2015. Grosse pression sur la préparation du talk que je délivrerai à cette occasion sur Open Compute.

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Scooped by Philippe J DEWOST!

Impressive Bare Metal Magic demo by Canonical/Ubuntu 's Mark Shuttleworth

Watch Mark Shuttleworth, the founder of Canonical and Ubuntu, demonstrate bare-metal magic at OCP in Paris. He deployed three scale-out workloads: OpenStack, Cloud Foundry, and Hadoop, on different hardware architectures and operating systems, all in just minutes. He also built a complete OpenStack cloud using Canonical's new OpenStack Autopilot tool and the audience choice of hypervisor, storage and networking components.

Philippe J DEWOST's insight:

OCP EU Summit videos are coming online, and @Mark_SABDFL keynote and demo do scale-out !

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Connected TV Forum - Moscow, March 5th 2014

Connected TV Forum - Moscow, March 5th 2014 | cross pond high tech |

Philippe Dewost will deliver a keynote titled  "Beyond Screens"

Philippe J DEWOST's insight:

Any "must mention / can't miss" topics or data points  I shall make sure I don't forget?

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La Keynote de Philippe Dewost de la Caisse des Dépôts (avec images, tweets) au DigiWorldSummit de l'IDATE

Intervention de Philippe Dewost à propos du concept de smart city qui regroupe différentes études menées à la Caisse des Dépôts.
Philippe J DEWOST's insight:

Version storify réalisée par l'Agence Ondine avec un excellent LiveSketch réalisé par @LeelyLive :-)

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Scooped by Philippe J DEWOST!

Keynote Open Hardware à l'Open CIO Summit

Keynote Open Hardware à l'Open CIO Summit | cross pond high tech |

La une de couverture de The Economist est tombée pile-poil à point pour ma keynote de demain !

Philippe J DEWOST's insight:

Amusante coïncidence ?

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Open Compute Keynote de Philippe Dewost a USI 2015 Unexpected Sources of Inspiration - Philippe Dewost's light sources

Open Compute Keynote de Philippe Dewost a USI 2015 Unexpected Sources of Inspiration - Philippe Dewost's light sources | cross pond high tech |

L'édition 2015 de la Conference USI (Unexpected Sources of Inspiration) s'est tenue début Juillet au Carrousel du Louvre et a confirmé son statut de meilleure Conference Tech sur Paris, combinant un site exceptionnel, une audience de plus de 1200 participants très diverse et de très bon niveau, et une palette de speakers dans plusieurs disciplines délivrant une quarantaine d'interventions sur les deux jours. La Caisse des Dépôts était de nouveau partenaire de cette édition avec plus d'une cinquantaine de participants dans le cadre de son programme de transformation digitale.

François Hisquin, CEO d'Octo et Curateur de la conférence, m'avait demandé d'intervenir sur la thématique d'Open Compute, dont la contribution aux enjeux de la transition énergétique n'est toujours pas correctement appréciée en Europe alors même que nous hébergeons des entreprises extrêmement talentueuses dans ce domaine.

Philippe J DEWOST's insight:

Keynote en video et slideshare pour ceux qui n'ont pas le son

CHECy's curator insight, November 25, 2015 12:15 PM

Intervention de Philippe Dewost, Président d'honneur du CHECy, lors de la conférence USI 2015.

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Open Compute EU Summit keynote - Philippe Dewost's light sources

Open Compute EU Summit keynote  - Philippe Dewost's light sources | cross pond high tech |

The first Open Compute Europe Summit took place in Paris on October 30 & 31st, 2014, on Ecole Polytechnique's campus in Palaiseau.

The european tech scene is catching up on OCP, with pioneers such as Telecity or , and is federated by Splitted Desktop System's Jean-Marie Verdun.

Here is the keynote I delivered at government's request, explaining why France is Open (to) Compute (following my April post - in french).

Philippe J DEWOST's insight:

Most enjoyable standing ovations are the ones you call for those deserving real credit (at 29'30")

Scooped by Philippe J DEWOST!

Beyond Screens Keynote — Connected TV and Digital Media Forum in Moscow

Beyond Screens Keynote — Connected TV and Digital Media Forum in Moscow | cross pond high tech |

Here is the slide deck I used for my Keynote at the &Connected TV & Digital Media& forum where I was invited by Connectica Lab in Moscow on March 5th, 2014. Due to current SlideShare limitations it is impossible to directly import slides in the latest Apple Keynote format, hence the need to manually publish here the keynote verbatim to complement the slides.


TV has evolved significantly.  First came color. Then came choice. Then came the VCR that allowed recording, deferred viewing, and introduced external content (either purchased, rented, or handed out by friends and family) into the TV set.
Then came digital content and digital broadcast, followed by HD.
And only very recently came competition from other screens to consume video content: not only were they personal, they follow the viewer...

We now spend a full five hours and 16 minutes a day in front of a screen, and that's without even turning on a television (4,5 hours a day for US adults).

- What even does TV watching now mean?

- is TV video delivered in real time ?

- is Connected TV is just TV with Ethernet and firmware updates?


Philippe J DEWOST's insight: sounds like a strange echo to slide 7 : Content experience is definitely broken. And la #FrenchTech gets promoted slide 15...

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Scooped by Philippe J DEWOST!

Smart Cities Keynote — DigiWorld Summit de l'IDATE

Smart Cities Keynote — DigiWorld Summit de l'IDATE | cross pond high tech |

Voici la présentation qui me servait de support pour la Keynote du Séminaire Exécutif "Smart Cities & Digital Living" que j'ai donnée au DigiWorldSummit 2013 de l'IDATE, à Montpellier. 


Elle pâtit des limitations actuelles du service SlideShare :

plus d'import de présentations au format Keynote d'Apple, ce qui permettait de récupérer d'un coup les notes de l'intervenantimpossibilité d'insérer des vidéos depuis des services autres que YouTube (alors que Vimeo devient une seconde source de plus en plus crédible)


Vous trouverez ci-dessous le chemin de fer de la présentation ainsi que la video du projet Unlimited Cities "Villes sans limites".

Philippe J DEWOST's insight:

Enfin disponible en version slides + notes, avec les exemples de Sensorly, SigFox, NetAtmo, RestoFlash ou UFO Unlimited Cities, et des sources d'inspiration comme la conférence USI de Derrick de Kerkhove ou "les barbares attaquent l'habitat" ©TheFamily

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Keynote Fujitsu IT Future 2013

Keynote Fujitsu IT Future 2013 | cross pond high tech |

Voici l'intervention que j'ai effectuée le 23 Avril 2013 pour inaugurer la journée "IT Future 2013" organisée par Fujitsu à Paris.


Présentation Slideshare également disponible

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