Meet Power - Your Magical Home, by the author of Bitproof and Peter.AI   | cross pond high tech |

From Louison Dumont's Facebook wall :

"The world is beating. Your heart is beating every X seconds, a flower takes Y days to flourish. If a tiger is running at you, your heart beats faster, if the flower receives more sun, it flourishes faster.

Computers so far have been like calculators. You would enter the commands, and get the result. Some fundamental commands got installed in every computer so that humans could enter higher level commands that would then execute lower level commands and produce astonishing outputs with little input.

What has been lacking however, is a synchronization between the computer's beating and the human's beating.

Of course, there is some synchronization already happening, using if trees and sometimes machine learning. But the synchronization is still so superficial that today's computers are basically blind, they force you to get out of your way to enter commands, they aren't aware of what is truly happening.

The future of computers is when they actually understand you, when they understand what humanity cares about.


This is why I started Power. We put chips inside bricks.


Because bricks are everywhere, bricks are where people spend most of their life. If we can turn on the bricks, we can turn on the people, and we can create the infrastructure required for the next wave of technological revolution to happen. With a new mesh of human-machine interactions and brick-to-brick (building-to-building) communication, we can create the future of Internet, decentralized and benefiting from a core understanding of human experience."