Google Penguin Update: Released Version 1.1 | BI Revolution |

From Search Engine Land: "No matter that it’s late Friday night on the start of a three-day holiday weekend in the U.S., Google has just pushed out the first update to its recent webspam-fighting Penguin algorithm. Let’s call it Penguin 1.1.

Google’s Matt Cutts announced the news a short time ago on Twitter, calling it a “data refresh” that impacts less than one-tenth of a percent of English-language searches.


Minor weather report: We pushed 1st Penguin algo data refresh an hour ago.

Affects <0.1% of English searches. Context:
— Matt Cutts (@mattcutts) May 26, 2012"


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***** Huge sigh of releif since even thought my hat is and has always been white one never knows if that is the way Google views you. So far my site is gaining not losing so huge sigh of relief.


Via Robin Good