The Blockchain BI Disruption Is Coming - Curagami | BI Revolution |

Blockchains Are Bigger than Bitcoin

Blockchains, those distributed, networked, verified and shared transactions, are going to eclipse Bitcoin and blow up how we do business online. Once you know what I know and we all know everything about everyone, a point we are headed toward anyway, imagine what predictive analytics and the Internet of Things can do for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

This Curagami post knocks down common blockchain objections such as no central authority and not redeemable as "absurd" given the major almost-depression-like pain we suffered in 2008. After such a calamity can anyone claim centralized control is a good thing. 

Despite our efforts to decentralize "too big to fail" banks, they've gotten bigger. Here's an idea. Let's stop doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Blockchains promise to disrupt banks, healthcare and just every everything as we share on Curagami: