SEO and the Wiki-ization of Marketing | BI Revolution |

What Is Wiki-ization of Marketing

When claims unsupported by social signals are considered "spam" marketing has been "wiki-ized". Content marketing is NOT solipsistic. Content marketing is a conversation. Lecture and you lose.

Create content unsupported by social media love (shares, links and links) and you lose. Do enough of this kind of one-sided unsupported marketing and you could lose BIG, be labeled a spammer, lose your place in Google or worse. 

The wiki-izaiton of marketing brings new rules about The ASK and The GIVE important for any Internet marketing team to grasp and use. Don't forget Father Time since Google certainly doesn't. Follow tips outlined here and your marketing will be "wiki-ized", tribal and fun. 

Denying marketing's undeniably social present and future at this late date is a sure prescription for disaster. Don't do that is my advice. Do understand how to wiki-ize your marketing.