Rise of the Marketing Platform - Marketo | #TheMarketingTechAlert | 21st Century Public Relations | Scoop.it
Marketing has changed more in the last five years than in the 100 before that. The speed of change in marketing is picking up its pace, and it’s going to keep accelerating.  The implication is that marketers will need a customer engagement platform to keep up. Here's why marketers need a platform, and what that platform looks like.

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Here’s what a marketing platform needs to deliver:

  1. UNDERSTAND: Track customer identity, contacts, and context across every digital, social, and mobile channel — then organize this information into a single, open data repository.
  2. ORCHESTRATE: Design and coordinate engaging customer experiences and continuous conversations that take each customer on a personal journey over time – and do this in an organized, automated way.
  3. PERSONALIZE: Deliver relevant, personalized content and messages across channels and devices.
  4. MANAGE: Support the operational aspects of running a marketing department. Plan the marketing calendar, coordinate content, track investments, and tie the marketing budget directly to results.
  5. OPTIMIZE: Measure and maximize marketing ROI across channels. Attribute outcomes to each marketing experience, regardless of which application handled the interaction.  Support data-driven decision making at the speed of marketing.
  6. LEARN: The pace of change in marketing isn’t slowing down, so the platform also needs to give guidance, best practices, and knowledge to help marketers keep up.

Lastly, as discussed above, a true platform needs to be open to allow other marketing applications to tap into their data repositories, workflow capabilities, analytics, and so on. A true platform provides a backbone of common orchestration, common management, and common measurement, competing with the other platforms to provide the most complete ecosystem of marketing solutions.



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Via Joemktg