The Next Step for Big Data - ClickZ | 21st Century Public Relations |


There are a number of factors coming together that are changing the way we should think about big data.

  1. Big data is no longer about how you collect and scale the system to handle large amounts of data cost-effectively.
  2. The number of data collection nodes are growing. Everything a consumer uses in their daily lives is becoming digital, connected, and able to phone home with interesting real-world information about location, behavior, speed, temperature, interest, etc., which exponentially increases the number of variables marketers can use to triangulate on and build profiles against.
  3. Big data and the robust audience profiles created can now be used for more than a standard broadcast (or push) advertisement. This data can be used smartly to create immersive, content – rich messages while still being relevant, meaningful, and pleasant to the consumer. This reduces the annoyance and waste associated with traditional messaging.


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Via Joemktg